Fuel Flappage


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Forum Moderator
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
London and Norfolk
So, today I wanted to take the beast out...only one problem like a doofus I'd forgotten the MOT was due, today. Turns out there's a local 7 day MOT shop round the corner. So I take it there and well, part of the MOT is check the fuel tank seal, open the flap...

They, I and lots of penetration spray + Lithium Grease on the key can't turn the key in the lock.


I'm hoping that overnight it frees up but after that we're down to percussive adjustment and heat, followed by brute force and a new barrel/key.

1) Is it possible I'm using the wrong key? I assume not, as it starts the bike fine.
2) If your bike is in storage go and open it, spray the lock with WD40, lithium grease etc and wipe grease/vaseline around the rim. And if you can't open it either, at least get the spray working in the barrell.

This is the trouble with parking bikes up for so long. :(
Hi Alex, what a bummer.
The leaves inside a BMW lock are on very small springs and extend at 180 degrees to each other when the key is inserted and removed, whilst turning the key when fully inserted the leaves do not move. Rather than try and force the lock in a turning motion at the moment, insert the key and remove it whilst introducing penetrating oil, REPEAT LOTS OF TIMES and if you have a different BMW bike key available insert and remove that as well (it will exercise different Leaves within the lock). If any of the leaves are jamming this will release them.

Good Luck
Cheers Jimmy I'll forward that to the guys at the shop - left the bike there...
They got in it. Without damage. As you suggested Jimmy

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Hi Alex, what a bummer.
The leaves inside a BMW lock are on very small springs and extend at 180 degrees to each other when the key is inserted and removed, whilst turning the key when fully inserted the leaves do not move. Rather than try and force the lock in a turning motion at the moment, insert the key and remove it whilst introducing penetrating oil, REPEAT LOTS OF TIMES and if you have a different BMW bike key available insert and remove that as well (it will exercise different Leaves within the lock). If any of the leaves are jamming this will release them.

Good Luck

Clever Chap , for a golfer !

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