For the hell of it


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
Ive hardly been on my bike since that disaster of a holiday... hence zero posts from me recently. So the weather was dry today. I decided to go for a neck wringing session which lasted for about an hour.. dessy boots. new halversons jacket hardly appropriate attire but what the fxxx took her up to Arrochar and thrashed the living daylights out of her lol... stopped in at Dinos in helensburgh for a wafer and home.... so satisfying...anyone else out ?


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Very glad to hear you're feeling better now Stuart and that you've had a great blast on your HP4 today!

Enjoy buddy [emoji4]

Cheers oli.. one of these jump on and go for it days..[emoji3]

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As long as you're feeling good, you're on two wheels and you've a clear road or track in front of you, then good times lie ahead!!! ... [emoji2]

Obviously for best results, make it an SThou [emoji12]
I went out for a blat up to barnsley today to see my old mum. Had a brilliant ride there and back, but maybe perversely mostly enjoyed filtering past a mile of stood traffic at some roadworks. I passed about 8 bikes in the queue who then decided to join me in the uber filter. No idea why they seemed happy to sit in the traffic. As usual, it takes a rr to show them the way.

Glad you enjoyed your thrash out, just be careful in civvies :D
I too have that warm, smugly satisfied grin under the helmet when filtering past loads of traffic lol [emoji6]
Out on mine today, dropped into Wheels in Pboro for a fry up, I've got to say apart from maybe an RSV4F, no bikes there held a candle to the Sthou :)
Out on mine today, dropped into Wheels in Pboro for a fry up, I've got to say apart from maybe an RSV4F, no bikes there held a candle to the Sthou :)

I had a fry up for dinner, so much for living off fruit and salads haha [emoji6]
Hope it was an equally good fry up to go with the ride? [emoji4]
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Just fruit and salad during the week Oli, have to make up for it at the weekend!
Just fruit and salad during the week Oli, have to make up for it at the weekend!

Here here! Only trouble is, I need to stick to it during the week rather then having a cheeky pint and packet of fig rolls etc "during" the week lol ...
Had a wee blast up to Lochearnhead on Sunday evening about half 6 ish. Just under a 100 mile round trip , great. I've never ridden in civvies since I was in my teens on my wee 50 and then an 80. Wouldn't dream of riding without leathers .
It was a spur of the moment thing Beavis.. one of those days [emoji3][emoji106]

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