Cleaning your visor when out


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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2016
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What does everyone do to clean their visors when they?re out and about? I used to be able to do a full ride and then clean my visor when I got home, but the midges/insects seem to be so much worse this year and I?m having to stop half way into my run to clean my visor.

I?m looking for something that?ll fit under the rear seat. Thinking about getting a small box of baby wipes, but I?ve read they leave a smear on the visor.
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Paper towel with a splash of water from a service station or clean it in the bog when I stop for a wee :)
Microfibre cloth slightly damp and a mini visor spray...such as muc off... 4 quid out Halfords, when it runs out fill with water app two drops fairy liquid and reuse...Ive had same spray dispenser for 2 or 3 years..

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Yup. Pain in the derriere.
I carry a small wet sponge with a micro fibre cloth wrapped around it secured with a rubber band. I tuck this into the lace top on my wunderlich tank bag. I wipe my visor on the go as often as needed with my clutch hand, obviously only when it's safe to have one hand off the bar. This works brilliantly, although it means the rest of the lid looks disgusting as the boys on the NC500 will confirm! Lol.
Seriously though, I think it's really dangerous to let midges build up on the visor, especially at dusk (when the midges are at their worst too) and have spent years finding the perfect solution, no-one sells anything that works as well. Stopping to clean is a real pain as you're slow constantly re-overtaking the same cars.
I use a "magic sponge" which holds loads of water, cut into a small square.
For longer rides I just use Visor Tear offs. I can stack up to 3 on my visor.
Paper towels and some warm (nearly hot) water from a close by toilet. Lie it on the visor for 20 seconds, wipe clean. Use new dry towels to dry it off. No need for any 'custom made' *****.

That display of midgey murder is epic!
Paper towels and some warm (nearly hot) water from a close by toilet. Lie it on the visor for 20 seconds, wipe clean. Use new dry towels to dry it off. No need for any 'custom made' *****.

That display of midgey murder is epic!
Microfibre cloth and a little spray bottle with water and a couple of drops of fairy. Dry paper towels will wear away the antiscratch surface fairly quickly and when it rains, it wont bead off but pool in the worn bit leaving you blind at night! Wet paper towels draped over for a bit dissolve most if it, but don't rub if you want to keep it useable!

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