Changes to the highway code


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May 22, 2012
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OMG ! What a cock up ! On a local A road this morning for a ride out, quite busy, for some reason there was no oncoming traffic for a couple of miles, overtaking was easy. Came across the reason, cyclists in the middle of the road were holding oncoming traffic up and because my direction was busy nothing could get past. That in turn caused a tailback behind them..... Sitting at the bike park which overlooks a 3way small roundabout with two zebra crossings, pedestrians were just standing at the edge of the road (not at a crossing) and vehicles were stopping to let them cross. It was chaos.... What's happening to cycle lanes, zebra crossing, traffic light crossings etc ????

Rant over FFS !
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OMG ! What a cock up ! On a local A road this morning for a ride out, quite busy, for some reason there was no oncoming traffic for a couple of miles, overtaking was easy. Came across the reason, cyclists in the middle of the road were holding oncoming traffic up and because my direction was busy nothing could get past. That in turn caused a tailback behind them..... Sitting at the bike park which overlooks a 3way small roundabout with two zebra crossings, pedestrians were just standing at the edge of the road (not at a crossing) and vehicles were stopping to let them cross. It was chaos.... What's happening to cycle lanes, zebra crossing, traffic light crossings etc ????

Rant over FFS !
Utter madness, I get the need to provide some room when passing, but giving cyclists a license to build a rolling road block so they can chat about the latest product they use for their beards, is only going to end in chaos..
One of my pet hates is cyclists riding 2 or 3 abreast down a B road so they can chat (well shout). I doubt these changes are going to end well no matter how well intended!
That was legal before...but now they are emboldened

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The changes are insane. Riding on a country lane, you come over a brow of chill and there's a cyclist in the middle of the road doing 10mph!
The changes are insane. Riding on a country lane, you come over a brow of chill and there's a cyclist in the middle of the road doing 10mph!
Which more or less happened to me today! I arrived around a corner (on the bike) to find a cyclist literally in the middle of the road. No problem, plenty of time to slow down, which I did, but when he realised I was following him, he moved a foot right onto the other side of the road, presumably to stop me overtaking! I had to venture right onto the other side of the road to pass him. Our (OUR!) lane was by this time, completely empty. He seemed to be very keen to assert his middle of the road rights for little gain apart from getting in the way :shame:.
Which more or less happened to me today! I arrived around a corner (on the bike) to find a cyclist literally in the middle of the road. No problem, plenty of time to slow down, which I did, but when he realised I was following him, he moved a foot right onto the other side of the road, presumably to stop me overtaking! I had to venture right onto the other side of the road to pass him. Our (OUR!) lane was by this time, completely empty. He seemed to be very keen to assert his middle of the road rights for little gain apart from getting in the way :shame:.

Can see some left hand filtering happening.
I'm sure some cyclists feel enabled to piss others off by the new regs but all road users still have a duty of courtesy to everyone else. The legislation that encourages cyclists to use the middle of a (quiet) road - for visibility - also expects them to get out of the way when faster traffic approaches.

The legislation about pedestrians and right of way at a junction will cause chaos for years
The legislation about pedestrians and right of way at a junction will cause chaos for years

Yeah it's daft and distinctly aimed at annoyance over safety. All they had to do was leave it with, peds have right of way if they are in the road, but shouldn't walk if they see a vehicle turning. Everything runs smoother as a motorised vehicle is out of the way faster.
The actual wording says that cyclists are "encouraged" to ride in the middle of the lane (not road), but are to allow other traffic to pass if safe to do so
Selective reading = "Cyclists, ride in the middle"

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I do a few road miles on a push bike. I always pick my route so I'm on quiet back roads simply because, frankly, the standard of driving is *****. I've lost count of the times a car has squeezed past within inches of me. I've also had my right elbow clipped by a passing wing mirror which does scare the **** out of you. I position myself for self preservation, about a meter out from the curb. Just enough so I don't have to ride in all the gravel and pot holes at the side of the road but drivers have space to get past. I wouldn't dream of riding in the middle of my lane - someone would wipe me out while they were checking Facebook. Same crossing the road as a pedestrian - would you really step out assuming the driver heading towards you has seen you?? No thanks. I'll be assuming nobody has seen me - just the same as when I'm on the RR.
I think the government have played a blinder here on cleansing the gene pool. Watch as Darwinism wipes out the idiots who randomly step out into the road when there is an oncoming vehicle 'because it's their right of way', and same goes for cyclists who block the road to stop other users 'because they can'. It wont end well for these types, their luck will run out.

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