Chain maintenance and lube


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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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What is the best or recommended chain lube for the 1000rr? I read somewhere that the stuff applied at service has a long life but I'm pretty used to doing the chain regularly on all my previous bikes. Is it different on the BMW

can't see any reason why you should treat it any different to your other bikes mate, use what ever you find best, me personally I use what ever my dad has in his garage haha! usually some castrol stuff.
For lubricant I use wurth dry lube also, every 400 - 500 miles or as near as I can, straight after a ride whilst it is still hot. I always clean the chain before lubricating.

Don't know why but with the wurth dry lube the chain seems to stay cleaner for longer, and there is absolutely no fling.

The white looking gunk on the chain BMW applied for when I took delivery did fling on to the bike in places, not great. In hindsight I should have cleaned it off and applied Wurth from the start. Just had the bike 1st service (1 year) and the chain was not touched or lubed by the dealer.
I use silkolene chain lube and heat the chain before applying, never been a fan of the dry stuff - yes it doesn't fling but does it get into the O-rings and lubricate or does it just sit on the surface?

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