bored bored no bike


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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well finally had my shoulder operation last monday been waiting 20 months for it.

i have had a good year 7 trackdays and loads of ride outs. but still was unable to hang off the bike if you see my tyres u will see the bike has been well over but my left shoulder locks up
people said it did not hold me back on track but without lots of ibruprofen i would have not done as much

with the operation i know i had the tear but was so unaware of the other damage, apparently at the impact my shoulder went back and took a big layer of cartilage off and left the bone exposed :-( so they have fixed the tear and cleaned out the shoulder.

they say 3-4 months for shoulder to heal and i know its almost winter but i ride all year round.

so been sitting watching all the gopro footage.

but bored i want to ride
Get well soon matey, at least you'll have a very clean bike when you are back fit!
I find it very dangerous when I'm bored & have access to eBay ;) it costs me a fortune!
Glad the wait is over for you, but 3-4 months to recover :eek: I hope it flies by mate, how did you injure your shoulder in the 1st place?
i was filtering a car decided to do a 3 point turn into me. i was doing only 20 on impact but broke my right wrist 45 deg. only thought shoulder was fractured. its taken them all this time to fix. they only were concerend about the wrist.

the other party has been done and liability is sorted. just waiting to be fixed my bike daytona 675 ended up in half on a pallet.
Thats bad luck mate, have you got your shoulder in a sling and have they told you not to move it yet? If so how long until you get physio?
Been in the sling all week they say 3 total have to call Physio on Monday
Not sure of when I can drive but I will wait and do as they say
For the bike. It's a shame sun is out today :-(
i too missing our fast days out riding, at least it's getting ****** weather soon so you won't miss much biking. Chin up fella
Out fast rides o yeah at least I have time to buy more indicators :)
farebro link=topic=1504.msg14340#msg14340 date=1349518498 said:
Been in the sling all week they say 3 total have to call Physio on Monday
Not sure of when I can drive but I will wait and do as they say
For the bike. It's a shame sun is out today :-(
Reason I ask is I broke my shoulder blade and collar bone 14 years back, had arm in sling for a few weeks and lost the shoulder muscle (lack of use), ask if you can start to move it asap.

Good news is you might be able to ride sooner than you think ;D
That's cool I will be on the phone first thing Monday to the Physio.
Still doing the lower arm excersises

Are u all fixed now?
Yeah all ok, not 100% cos my right shoulder now sits a little lower than my left, cant lift my right arm as high as my left as I have been lazy with shoulder exercises ;) but all good really

I had to sleep sitting upright for 6 weeks :(,

Are you sleeping normally and ok?
Have not been able to sleep a whole night since the crash. The wrist fixing was easy
Shoulder has been a nightmare.

The pain killers are good but to sleep I sit up and then lye down and use my right shoulder but then pins and needles in the hand.

The most frustrating thing is I know I can hang off my bikes but since the shoulder just won't allow me. Hopefully with Physio I might get enough movement back :)

Keep the excersises going it must help
Had my shoulder op jan this year, movement was restricted but had a steroid jab in may and got all my movement back. On the bike for a couple of months now and feels like bone on bone again and struggling with muscles.

You were obviously better than me as I couldn't do anything whilst waiting for op.

I had Bupa so only waited 6 months for op and loads of Physio but still struggling.

Hope it gets better soon as I wrecked my hips/lower back also.
Hope u get well soon dude, for what it's worth ive broken both collar bones (at least they ended up matching each other ;) ) if you can get em moving as quick as poss. Didnt do this when i broke the first one and that's the one that now gives me jip
I know how you feel fella having no bike
had a heart attack in may after coming back from monza , had some stents fitted and was banned from riding my bike for a month by the DVLA...
gotta go back this month for some more so will be banned off it again for a bit.
Least the racing on the telly has been decent....
here's to aswift recovery for you anyhow ???

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