It was 3 calendar months or 88 days ago that my 2010 4k S1000RR went into my local BMW dealer due to smoke pouring out of the exhaust :-[ The smoke was just water vapour due to an O ring
, but they heard ‘a noise’ from deep inside :-\ I now realise that due to the big end issues apparent on the 2012s, listening for this noise is now second nature. Any way after oil checks they agreed to open her up under warrantee (Whew!). The outcome is that the big end bearings were badly worn. You would think that the rebuild would take a few weeks or so, it didn’t, I still don’t have her back. They say it’s supplier issues, parts being on technical hold issues, delivery issues, blah blah blah! What aggravates me is that I had to fight to get on the priority list, I had to fight to get a courtesy bike which I only recently got, and the customer services people would always come up with excuses prior to knowing what bits were actually required. As a BMW rider for some 6 years I feel really let down, I feel as though I am a nuisance and not a priority. It’s cost me £150 just in unused tax, insurance, and their very expensive extended warrantee that I felt I needed to re-new under the circumstances. They say the excessive wear on the big end is due to it being an ex-demo bike that was thrashed!!! Then why do they sell ex-demos without checking them over, after all they’re BMW and that’s why I am (was) happy to pay extra. Be very interested in your opinions as to what you would expect as compensation for all this, or alternatively if you think they have treated me well. The latest is that it will be back next week, not that I’ve heard that half a dozen times already. Why did I ever sell my Ninja, not a days issue in 5 years