Jeez, im feeling great now Davy you've cheered me up no end lol.. just had a swatch at the weather next weekend looks dry so far mibe a blast up to Oban would be on the cards
It's an expensive hobby alright
I commute everyday so it goes through brake pads,tyres servicing at an alarming rate not to mention helmets jackets boots etc which don't last that long if your using them everyday
There are less expensive commuters out there but I don't drink or smoke so what the hell
Would you not keep your new stuff in the shed and stick it on when your going to sell I've done this before on other bikes
Agreed powders.. quick rundown since Sept '15... heres my list.. m7rrs pair plus 1 rear. New leathers... 6k service... sh carbon belly pan sh rhs panel... recent forecourt thing... mirror tin of paint need to get my rhs panel back then get this one thats on repaired never mind insurance fuel etc...worth every penny tho !