angalsy 7th june


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2013
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Me and kls and another friend are doing this track next Friday are any of you boys booked up , or have any of you done this one before
if you get the weather you will love this track , the tarmac is uber grippy ( we are talking knee scraping in the wet) , it is actually possible put your knee on the floor at every bend....Its probably my favourite track in the UK.
Only bit to watch out for is the bend going onto start finish is slightly off camber , thats about it
hope its sunny for you anyway , the photos are usually worth a look as well , the scenary is great.
You on doing big or small track ?
Done 3 days there on the international circuit, really want to do the coastal next with the corkscrew, which layout are you doing, one of my favourite tracks, super smooth, banked corners and some very fast parts.There are corners that are technical and you need to establish a turning point, sorry I cannot remember the names but, after where the track follows the sea, you start to climb, there's a whiteish kerb on the left and I head for that, as I approach it I turn and go parallel with the right hand kerb, the next left is blind but if I remember correctly, as soon as I can see over the brow I turn, drift out a little and pull it back to the left for the next right, this right, I find is one of the easiest corners to make a clean exit, next there is an over the hill right, not difficult but needs to be done with care for the first few sessions, then as you go downhill there's a collapsible milestone on the right, or something that looks like one, that's my turn in point for the left if you are on the inter circuit, cannot help you with the corksrew which comes next if you are riding the coastal, however, unless they have mended it, there's a hole in the track on the last corner, I've been left of it, right of it and straight through it!!!
Who you going with, how much and let us know how it went.
Thanks for the info lads it sounds awsome I booked it with focused events £90 it says we doing the gp course and the long range weather forcast is good so happy days :)
weather looks great for tomorrow for ya , have fun , and dont for get to check the photis , on a sunny day the photos at anglesey can be great :)

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