Abba Superbike Stand and Aero Glide


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I have the superbike stand with the swingarm attachment so I can have both wheels off the ground together and it works well. I use my traditional paddock stands for daily storage of the bike after each ride only because the superbike stand takes longer to set up and use. I use the superbike stand when I have big jobs to do or if I am not going to be on the bike for a period of time.

Regarding stands that you can roll around, just worth checking your floor area is smooth enough to allow you to roll the casters without issue, and that the floor is near level.
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I've had the ABBA stand since 99 and used it on all sorts of bikes, just purchased the adaptors each time to suit the bike. It's a great piece of kit. I can manage to move the bike in the garage (up and down) with the stand attached no trouble but I don't have the luxury for spinning it around and wouldn't see why I'd want to tbh. I've read elsewhere that the attachment for the front lifter is a bit of a faff to use and it may be best to use a front stand in conjunction with the ABBA which I've done in the past with both wheels being clear of the ground.
Looks like you should get this package, to have total flexibility.

What gear have you got already? There's only a few things you can't do with axle stands (spin round, unweight the swing arm and remove 1-piece belly pans)

So, got onto Gumtree and bit the bullet..... ordered the correct fitting for the bike from Abba delivered today.

I think I have the full monty package as per the link Alex... will try and get it setup once I get back from swimming drop for the kids / gym for me....

i have the standard front and rear paddock stands, but wanted to get something to spin the bike around in the garage.... hope this will do the trick....

Now where is the lorry with the self-leveling concrete.... :culpability:

Skylift / 1jac / Spiderstand was preference, however, I could not justify the price....

Overdue an overhaul of the garage / mancave too !!
When using the front lift arm and both wheels off the ground I take it they are only millimetres up? I bought new adapters when I got my s1000 to use with my stand and I can barely get my fingers between the rear tyre and the ground.
When using the front lift arm and both wheels off the ground I take it they are only millimetres up? I bought new adapters when I got my s1000 to use with my stand and I can barely get my fingers between the rear tyre and the ground.

I don't recall this being an issue on my bike so interesting to know your experience immortal.
So, I got watched the online video about 2-3 times and then gingerly tried.... there is a knack to it... I just need to try it a few more time....

Watching the auto starting video of a chap letting it go over the other side when taking it off the stand knocked my confidence, but I gave it a go...

1. Definitely fiddly to get it done.... adapters kept falling off, so will need to apply some kind of semi-perm glue.
2. A bit gutted as only lifts about 1-2 cm off the floor.... though it would be more but the wheel does spin freely
3. The Aero-glide, again, a bit fiddly, however, once on and locked, it safe and secure.... But definitely need to get the flooring smoother.... maybe self-leveling concreate or tongue and groove cheap wood flooring... dunno yet.
3. I did not get round to the front lift arm, but am I guessing it again will only be enough for the wheel to freely spin....

I will give it ago again tonight / tomorrow and will take pictures....
Absolute bargain for someone this. My bikes been living on same package since November and loves it,so easy to wheel about garage,both wheels off ground suspension unloaded,makes those winter cleaning and maintenance jobs a doddle.

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The Abba skylift is belting, Great for working on the bike to undertake every job. Also great to keep the bike stored raised in the air to relax the suspension.

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