2017 DDC Suspension help? - Preload


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2015
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Hi folks.....i've been trying to research this issue but struggling to find a simple solution. Here goes....so I weigh 85kg without gear so have never bothered to adjust my bike's preload (i believe BMW setup the RR at the factory for 85kg rider?). The bike has been great but....i'm now planning a European trip with my girlfriend (60kg) + luggage (25kg)...so lets call it 170kg all in!

So, my question....is there a simple way to adjust my preload settings for the trip that then allows me to easily return it back to it's current setup when i get back?

FYI we did the same trip last year without changing anything and the bike felt ok (took a few miles to get used to!) but now i'm wondering if i should be having a look at the setup before we go this time? I'm guessing the bike will feel even better if i spend the time to adjust it correctly?

I'm a complete novice with suspension so struggling even with the manual instructions! :-/ Any help advice would be greatly appreciated :)


Just manually adjust preload to suit and then return it back to its previous setting afterwards. Make sure you recalibrate the DDC each time you make any adjustments.
If it was me I would put a cable tie around one of your fork stanchions and go for a ride 2 up and see where the travel is to. I never changed the preload on my hp4 if I was going with luggage anywhere, but I did soften off the ddc a bit so the bike would be more stable with the extra weight.
Thanks Ry/Soof ....as i mentioned, we did the same trip last year without changing any settings and the bike was fine, but i can't help but think there's gotta be an even better setting considering it's carrying nearly double the weight?? I spoke to my friendly dealer (Preston Bowker) yesterday and they said they'll help me set it up if I pop in with the bike so fingers crossed I'll also learn how to do it myself next time :) Thanks again guys....will update the thread with any useful info i learn! ;)
There is loads of stuff on the web about static sag (no rider) and dynamic sag (plus rider) that would help.
But as a guess you want the sag, when two up plus luggage, to be what it is currently with just you on it. That way you "should" have very similar handling when two up. You are not changing the spring rate so there is no need to alter the damping. But there would be no harm in making it softer to improve comfort for the person perched on the back!
Let me take you for a 50 mile ride on the back of my S1K and you will soon understand that you are abusing your girlfriend and . . . . . 20KGs of luggage too? You seriously need to look at a more suitable bike BUT if you're serious
1. Measure both front and back rider sag with you on the bike and ignition on
2. Adjust preload on both to give same readings with both aboard.

This is going to be about a 5-man job!!!!!
You should find very little or no adjustment required to front as all your chick's weight will be over the rear axle. You will need a reasonable hike of the rear preload.

Contrary to the advice above, you will need to increase damping and rebound in proportion with increased preload. Yes -spring rates are unchanged but sprung mass is significantly increased and therefore more damping is required.
If you're still together by the time you get back . . . .. marry her!!!!!! :)
I don't touch the preload for two up riding but adjust rebound and damping

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