2015 model recall - gear lever


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Jul 25, 2015
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I recently purchased a 2015 RR from Cannons of Essex and received a call from them on Wednesday informing me of a recall on the gear lever. I had the bike booked in with Pidcocks of Derbyshire for its first service anyway, but I was surprised that when I called them and passed on the message about the lever they knew nothing about the recall.

I've got to drop the bike back as they didn't have the parts in stock, but it got me wondering how many more dealers have yet to inform their customers?? FTR there's only 11 bikes in the UK with a lever from this bad batch so it's not an epidemic.

However, if you have a 2015 bike it may be worth calling your dealer and ask them to check out your bike on their database.

Hope this helps.

I spoke to my dealership today and they were not aware of a recall to date. They stated that they would check with BMW Motorrad UK and if my bike was subject to a recall they would let me know.
My Bike was in dealer today, they said my bike flagged up as needing a recall, asked what was needed, see below apparently can slip on splines

Wow, that's minor for a recall...which I think is brilliant, as if something that minor can spark a recall I feel that anything really important would get good treatment too.

I expect on a Duc that would be a feature.

My bike has now been recalled as well. As already posted it relates to the bolt securing the gear selector to the selector shaft. Apparently some were insufficiently torqued which can cause failure and the inability to change gear if it becomes detached.
My Bike was in dealer today, they said my bike flagged up as needing a recall, asked what was needed, see below apparently can slip on splines


Is that the replacement part fitted or the original gear selector lever? The reason I ask is because my lever has has clearly been over tightened as the top of the split is touching. I'm trying to upload a pic but I'm struggling...
Picture is of the original, new part with me tomorrow, I'll post pictures of both
Wow, that's minor for a recall...which I think is brilliant, as if something that minor can spark a recall I feel that anything really important would get good treatment too.

even more brilliant would be a recall for my bike going around right hand bends on its own! .....or maybe BMW only do minor recalls and leave the major stuff? :-/

Mine has now been replaced. Excellent service throughout from BMW as expected.

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