2010 - 2012 S1000RR Handlebar Switches


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Dec 17, 2014
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Sorry if this has already been posted!

Just thought I would pass my experience....

My 2010 S1K wouldnt start when I was on a ride out, ignition turned on like normal etc but nothing from the button, after I got recovered to my local dealer (Cooper BMW T.Wells) I was advised that both the switches on the bike would be replaced at BMW's cost as part of a "customer enhancement" service... Basically a recall after the parts have gone wrong. This is available to all S1K's between 2010 - 2012.

I almost paid ?120 for the starter switch when I didn't need to, wouldnt want other riders to make the same mistake!

Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Seems fairly commom mate.
Had mine replaced for free after my right indicator packed up.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Same here indicators packed up both sides replaced at no charge
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Same here. Replaced both switches foc

went to start mine today and it wont turn over, there is power but nothing from the switch. I was out on it for an hour last week, and had a small issue with it then, thinking it had not been started for a month it was just the norm. Will phone the garage at Tombridge Wells Monday see what can be done, warranty ran out last Nov.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

my hazard button does absolutely **** all, might take it into the dealers local to me.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Re the switchgear problem,
I have had my S1000RR Sport all of 3 days and now having the same problem as others with the right switchgear. Unfortunatley I am in Germany, stuck at the ring with a bike that doesnt start, are these still being done under warranty by BMW? Its a 2010 model, any info appreciated.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

You might be able to get BMW in Germany to replace. Can you bump start to at least ride the Ring?
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Re the switchgear problem,
I have had my S1000RR Sport all of 3 days and now having the same problem as others with the right switchgear. Unfortunatley I am in Germany, stuck at the ring with a bike that doesnt start, are these still being done under warranty by BMW? Its a 2010 model, any info appreciated.

If it's sunny it might be the heat? Try putting a damp cloth or wet toilet tissue over the switchgear for 30 mins and try again.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Hey Soofsayer, Whats SUN???

Im not sure I understand your question. It has been a well known issue with BMW switchgear that the microcircuitry in the RHS switchgear can stop working if it gets too hot and the plastics expand. So cooling it down can give a temporary fix. It is a free replacement by BMW if faulty, LHS gets done too.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Sun is the big yellowy light often visible in the sky during daytime in civilised parts of the country. It is considered dangerous to Scottish people, and has therefore been banned north of the border.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Hi Andy, I've heard about that. There is a wee ginger guy lives at the end of my road apparently saw it in the Big Summer of 76. He never talks about it just walks about now muttering something about Midges.

Had the same problem on my GS in Morocco a few years ago Soofsayer, stripped it and trimmed it down with a scalpel to give enough room for the rocker switch to move, still working 4 years later.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Ah, I get it now Jimmy, duh. It must only be sunny in Scotland when I go. Lol.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

I had same with my starter/killswitch. Wouldn't turn the bike over at all. Someone advised me that if you press the starter really hard and hold it in for a few seconds it may start. Think it forces the warped circuit board to contact again. I tried it and the bike fired up! Still replaced the switch afterwards but worked to start bike temporarily.....worth a try.
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

Yeah Rick that's the way I use to start it before I had the switchgear replaced
Worked for me
Re: 2010 - 2012 S100RR Handlebar Switches

I've had 2 new sets of switchgears in the last 5 years!

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