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  1. roadrunner


    Lovely bike that Stuart. Only the Italians...... I think I?m in love..........again.
  2. roadrunner

    Who's still riding

    Heated gloves work for me. Absolute bliss. I always find if your hands are like toast, the rest of you is too.
  3. roadrunner

    Lever Guards Required

    Don?t loose heart Stu. We really are a good bunch on here. Honestly! Oh and welcome in.....
  4. roadrunner


    It still amazes me even now Alex, how it stays on after applying over soapy water.
  5. roadrunner

    What did you get in the post today?

    Always interesting to see your pics Stuart. Especially the step by step ones. Personally I?m pleased you opted the fit the sump without sealant. I can feel a story coming on here! I once had a truck into my workshop with a ?napping? noise from the engine. For the uninitiated, that?s a slight...
  6. roadrunner


    Before I started my own business I worked as service manager for a main truck dealership and workshop here in Hull. Our paint shop had just painted a truck for a customer in London. The customer arrived one morning to fix stickers of their products around the lower part of the vehicle body. I...
  7. roadrunner

    New M sport owner

    Don?t know what happened there but the bit about paint stripper was my addition. Sorry for butting in Kenny.
  8. roadrunner

    New M sport owner

    Sorry, off topic, I know. Regarding stuck rings. I used to brush on paint stripper. Nitromors. Probably spelt wrong. Used to work for me many moons ago!
  9. roadrunner

    Blow Torch Recs

    Great man cave Stuart. I can?t move in mine, though I?ve got everything I need to do jobs on my bikes, car and home. Just struggle to find it all. I?m impressed by how organised yours is!
  10. roadrunner

    Blow Torch Recs

    Just be sure to get the nuts nice and red before trying to move them Stuart.
  11. roadrunner


    I live in a cul de sac too Stuart. Mind you, he told his mum and she told me! Poor bugger daren?t tell me ha,ha
  12. roadrunner


    No Stuart...... tell us more about you being ?asleep? on you girlfriends bed[emoji2960] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. roadrunner


    Similar thing happened to me a few years ago Stuart. Just parked my brand new Corsa (ok I know it?s not an posh car like most on here[emoji4]) on my drive, when there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be my neighbour reporting that her son had been manoeuvring his scooter on their drive...
  14. roadrunner

    MCE hold time takes the pi...

    Yes Stuart I did but then the flight got cancelled. Again due to this bloody virus. On the plus side though, I got a full refund in a couple of weeks. So that?s two trips away cancelled this year! Oh and yes it was Jet2
  15. roadrunner

    Your other guilty pleasure.

    Got my Yamaha FZ1 as my second bike. Use it for touring. Got almost 40,000 on it now! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. roadrunner

    New member

    The insurance may not be that bad if you contact BeMoto bike insurance, a vendor on this site. Good service, good prices, usually anyway! Give ?em a ring and see what they say. I?ve been with BeMoto for three years now and always found them to be good to deal with and very competitive.
  17. roadrunner

    2016 Gen 3 Sport for sale

    It?s a simple operation Rob. I had both mine done, one of them while I was awake and chatting to the surgeon and team! Only trouble now though is the backlog of procedures and actually seeing anyone in the medical fraternity to push it forward, due to this bloody virus! Try to get the ball...
  18. roadrunner

    MCE hold time takes the pi...

    Morning Stuart.... I take it you?re talking about Jet 2? I?ve a similar problem with these. I need to rearrange flights to Spain in early September but can?t get hold of anyone! It?s beyond a joke now.....
  19. roadrunner

    350 mile loop

    What great pictures Stuart! What could be better? Quiet roads, beautiful weather and two friends soaking it all up! Our annual trip to Bony Scotland was cancelled this year due to the bloody virus and uncertainty about hotels being open being the culprit! Will be there next year hopefully, to...
  20. roadrunner

    Oil leak from cam chain tensioner bolt

    Oh dear, difficult [emoji53] I would think they would be able to do the work......assuming they have decent and knowledgeable workshop staff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk