Riding at 75% ?


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Fair enough. I guess one could spend all one’s time on those roads, trouble is, they’re not in UK and I think the gout who asked is UK based. Or you could certainly ride only using the first four gears, equally (same on track actually). I’m not saying don’t use them on the road - I did for a few years - but they’re not really exploitable in real world, UK crowded roads.
Don’t recall saying anything about tyres - modern tyres are incredible. I remember a mate beating the track instructor at Castle Combe in the wet on a GS with modern tyres one year, so I’m all in favour of the best rubber you can afford.
Fair enough. I guess one could spend all one’s time on those roads, trouble is, they’re not in UK and I think the gout who asked is UK based. Or you could certainly ride only using the first four gears, equally (same on track actually). I’m not saying don’t use them on the road - I did for a few years - but they’re not really exploitable in real world, UK crowded roads.
Don’t recall saying anything about tyres - modern tyres are incredible. I remember a mate beating the track instructor at Castle Combe in the wet on a GS with modern tyres one year, so I’m all in favour of the best rubber you can afford.
I retired early, and weather permitting I had nothing better to do than over 50k miles on what's recognised as one of the best driving and riding roads in the UK. I'm not sure if your comment about only using the first four gears, was because you're trying to be funny, or you're a just a bit dim. But you do seem to judge what every other rider is capable of, by your own shortcomings. As for tyres, I don't recall specifically saying that you did mention them.
I retired early, and weather permitting I had nothing better to do than over 50k miles on what's recognised as one of the best driving and riding roads in the UK. I'm not sure if your comment about only using the first four gears, was because you're trying to be funny, or you're a just a bit dim. But you do seem to judge what every other rider is capable of, by your own shortcomings. As for tyres, I don't recall specifically saying that you did mention them.
Oh dear. People don’t read this thread to see personal comments for which there is no need. The site is to exchange views and info. Let’s stick to that.
As I don't ride flat out (anywhere) at my age and with a high level of self preservation... Or is it time for me to buy an S1000R ?
It's one solution. Of just back off the throttle, that works for me. I have 1cm chicken strips on my Metzeler sportec rear. Odd that they are equal now? they used to be bigger on the RH side since I favor LH corners.