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Nov 18, 2015
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Hull, East Yorkshire
I've been a bit subdued lately, waiting for a letter from the Police about an alleged driving offence. Well it arrived yesterday morning. I think i had better start at the beginning.....

On Good Friday the weather was brilliant, so out came the BMW, on with the new leathers and crash hat and off to meet a couple of mates on the bypass near where I live. This was the first ride out this year on this bike, though I did 1000 miles on it at the back end of last year. I've also been out quite a bit on the FZ1 this year. Anyway off to the local bikers cafe called Seaways. Every biker in this area knows the place. A quick cuppa, a look at the bikes and a chat with some of the riders and off we trot on our merry way to Scarborough. Travelling line astern, we all overtook a line of slower vehicles. I was following my mate on his Blade, when we approached a left hand bend. My mate managed to tuck himself in where as I was a bit later doing the same. That's when I saw a black 1400 Kawasaki coming the other way with a Police BMW bike right up it's arse. My first thought was for the Kawasaki rider being followed by plod. Anyway, we carried on a couple or so more miles towards Scarborough, only to see a police officer standing in the middle of the road with his hand up:dread: He pulled the blade and me, on the BM into a side road and said that there was an issue about the manner of our riding/driving and that we would have to wait until he got the video footage:eek-new: Then two bikes turned up.'ve guessed it.....a black Kawasaki and the marked BMW Police bike. The cop who had stopped us (I think he was playing the good cop) asked us for our ID. Blade man gave him his driving licence, while I offered him my bus pass! He didn't believe it and asked me how old I was. (now I'm not repeating my age again on here, but those who read my earlier posts will know already) I told him and he shouted across at the bike cops and told them. They told me that I should be on the track with it and not on the roads. I think they were a little surprised that I didn't have a Zimmer frame strapped to the bike. Then the nice cop saw the bit of wet cloth pushed into the hole in the top yoke (I use it for cleaning off dead flies from my visor) He said to me that I was from the old school of bikers, to which I replied that no the rag was my incontinence pad. He had a good laugh and I thought all was going ok. Then the bike cops called us over to see the footage that the Kawasaki rider (a lady!) had recorded. To be honest, it didn't look too bad, just two bikes, the Blade with it's wheels JUST on the dotted white line, and yours truly with my wheels 6 or 8 inches on the wrong side. I reckoned I was in for a good bollocking at the most. But the woman cop started going on about nearly killing her and that she was an advanced Police rider etc..etc. I told her that I'd been riding for 54 years and I was still here, so must be doing something right. Anyway the long and the short of it was that they did me for driving without due care and attention!! That's 3 to 9 points. To say I was worried was an understatement. I've just got rid of 3 points for speeding FFS. If they gave me 9 points, (especially if Mrs Plod went on about nearly getting killed) then I'd spend the next 3 years riding like Mary Poppins.
Now the good news..... The letter told me, that after due consideration the would offer me National Driving 4 Change Course. I can't tell you how bloody relieved I am at the outcome.

I'll keep you posted
That's why I ride more on the track than the road now, if it's not idiots trying to knock you off it's getting nabbed by a camera or the old bill.
Great little story, I'm guessing some one else reviewed it and didn't feel it was worth more than 3/a course. Nice result really.
Phew, I bet your relieved. Those courses aren't bad, I did one a couple of years ago after getting pulled for speeding in the car, quite thought provoking although also quite scary - half the people in the room didn't know what the national speed limit was!!
Good result RR!
If you had been a cheeky B. You could have mentioned to Miss Hitler that a real Police advanced rider would have had their tyres deep in the gutter on a right hander, affording you even more of the opposite lane.

Or maybe you did the best thing, lol.
Take care.

What Jimmy said ^^^. She should have been right over on the other side, but alas...

I do go over to seaways and Scarborough occasionally but tend not to bother. The east Yorks police seem to have a grudge against bikers generally. I don't know if you recall the helicopter and bikes they used a few years back to catch bikers (maybe they still do?) and the big PR story the east Yorks police came out with about how it had dramatically reduced biker deaths (justifying the ?2m a year the chopper was costing for this specific duty). The reality was that biker deaths dropped from 4 to 2 that year. Great way to spend tax payers money and probably had absolutely nothing to do with the statistics.

Anyway, good result :). The speed awareness is tedious but surprising how many people in the room seem to know f*** all about speed limits or the Highway Code. Scary.
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Some interesting comments among your replies chaps and a lot of truths too I reckon. Just to expand a little more about the events on Good Friday.

The plod who was standing in the road with his hand up, (the one I said I thought was playing the good cop) never even saw the footage that his mates had recorded. But he was quick to "suggest" that it wouldn't be a good idea to plead not guilty because he said that the magistrates would view the footage on a 52 inch TV and that the offence would look even worse than what I'd seen on their little hand held device. Now if it was all a ploy to beat me into submission then it was certainly starting to work and I was already working out my defense in my mind.

His mates then took off, presumably to look for some other "criminal". He was left with me, sitting in his vehicle, to issue me my ticket. Now that,I thought, seemed strange, I thought that the plod that had filmed the offence, would have been the ones to issue me the ticket? Any thoughts, anyone?

One other thing. When in his vehicle he defined Driving Without Due Care and Attention as to make another road user take any sort of evasive action, such as swerve or brake. Well I can tell you that Mrs Hitler didn't swerve or brake, as was evident in their little home movie. The camera platform (the Kawasaki) did not deviate from its line on the road. So I thought, that's evidence that she didn't have to take evasive action and perhaps I could plead not guilty after all. Then I thought about her partner in crime,(plod travelling behind her) all he would have to say was that he had to swerve or brake and I couldn't prove otherwise. So that was that, a guilty plea it was then. Then I got my letter of reprieve. I am so chuffed, I can tell you.

About the course. I booked it yesterday and they offered me the date of 24th of June, which I had to decline due to me being in Moffat that week (sods law) They finally got me one on the 19th May, just the day before I'm due to travel to the lakes (very nearly sods law again) I'm waiting for more scans from hospital and hope sods law doesn't intervene yet again. We shall have to see. Oh! by the way, this course isn't a class room job. They told me it's driving one of their cars with an advanced driving instructor beside me. It's not a test but to see how well I drive. It should be interesting and I'm quite looking forward to it to be honest. At least I'll be able to see if I'm as good as I thought I was. I'll keep you posted.......
Enjoy the day out RR, there are some excellent instructors employed by the Police and most genuinely want you to leave a better, safer driver than when you arrive at there depot.
When I did my driver training with Lothians and Borders as a young cop, I learned huge amounts from my instructor named Bob who used to drive Princess Diana around when she was up here. Ask as many questions as you want and I guarantee you will benefit.

What Jimmy said ^^^. She should have been right over on the other side, but alas...

I do go over to seaways and Scarborough occasionally but tend not to bother. The east Yorks police seem to have a grudge against bikers generally. I don't know if you recall the helicopter and bikes they used a few years back to catch bikers (maybe they still do?) and the big PR story the east Yorks police came out with about how it had dramatically reduced biker deaths (justifying the ?2m a year the chopper was costing for this specific duty). The reality was that biker deaths dropped from 4 to 2 that year. Great way to spend tax payers money and probably had absolutely nothing to do with the statistics.

Anyway, good result :). The speed awareness is tedious but surprising how many people in the room seem to know f*** all about speed limits or the Highway Code. Scary.

Yes soof, I do remember the helicopter, very vividly in fact! I was on my own, a few years back, riding my old Yamaha FZR EXUP, (the one I totalled last August) on the way to Scarborough. I was traveling, shall we say a bit over the speed limit, when my attention was drawn to something to my right. I turned my head to see what it was, only to see the dreaded Police helicopter flying along side me at rooftop height. I swear it was flying just over the ditch on the other side of the road, matching my speed. I nearly died there and then! I sat up, shut the throttle and slowed down. I was convinced that they had got me for speeding! After I slowed the helicopter swung right and flew off over the fields. I was so upset that I turned around and went straight home. I told my wife what had happened and told her that I expected yet another speeding fine. I waited for weeks for that letter to arrive, but it never did, much to my surprise. I rode my bike after that episode, looking up as much as looking behind, I can tell you. I still keep a lookout for the damn thing, even now, after all this time.
Enjoy the day out RR, there are some excellent instructors employed by the Police and most genuinely want you to leave a better, safer driver than when you arrive at there depot.
When I did my driver training with Lothians and Borders as a young cop, I learned huge amounts from my instructor named Bob who used to drive Princess Diana around when she was up here. Ask as many questions as you want and I guarantee you will benefit.


Hi JM, Thanks for that and I will take on board what you say. I am looking forward to it to be honest and would sooner give them the ?95.00 for this course than to give them ?100.00 or more in useless fines.

I didn't know you were ex plod, sorry, I mean Police Officer:highly_amused: . Any derogatory remarks I may have made about the Police in my write up were all meant as a joke, honest:friendly_wink:
His mates then took off, presumably to look for some other "criminal". He was left with me, sitting in his vehicle, to issue me my ticket. Now that,I thought, seemed strange, I thought that the plod that had filmed the offence, would have been the ones to issue me the ticket? Any thoughts, anyone?

The 'ticket' you were issued was presumably a "Traffic Offence Report" (TOR). Rather than plod who dealt with you deciding on how to dispose of the matter (bollocking, fixed penalty or report for a summons), a copy of the TOR goes off to some centralised decision making unit who decide what to do. There are no laws regarding TORs as it is purely the way that most police forces decide to deal with roadside stops as part of their internal policy.

However, if you had been issued a Fixed Penalty Notice - the requirement is that it is issued by a constable in uniform who has reason to believe that you are or have on that occasion committed a fixed penalty offence (s. 54 Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988).

One other thing. When in his vehicle he defined Driving Without Due Care and Attention as to make another road user take any sort of evasive action, such as swerve or brake.

Typical uninformed ******** from plod. Driving without due care and attention and driving without reasonable consideration are both offences created by s. 3 Road Traffic Act 1988. Inconveniencing other road users is a requirement for the offence of driving without reasonable consideration to be committed, but it is not a definition of that offence - merely an required ingredient. It has sod all to do with the definition of careless driving though. Careless driving is defined as "if (and only if) the way he drives falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver" (s. 3ZA RTA 1988).
Just an update on the above, I do my driving course tomorrow (that's the 19th May) i'll keep you posted on how good/bad the advanced driver found me........ I still find it a bit strange that they pulled me on a motorbike and yet want to test me in a car:confused:

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