I've had a day with Simon Crafar at Jerez and he's really enthusiastic about helping people go faster safely, helped me a lot with my corner entry speed and trusting the tyres. He explains clearly where you can safely gain time and then pulls you round edging you quicker and quicker in those areas using hand signals etc. I found his approach worked well for me because instead of 'do more of this' it's more that he's showing you 'follow my lines, brake here, release here, power on now!' type thing. I found it easier to repeat later and the more I did what he was saying, the less scary it became.
Debrief sessions are pretty detailed too with good video footage.
He's an all round nice guy too and really approachable which helps. He's also given me a few tips and answered a couple of questions when I've seen him elsewhere (Valencia, Cartagena)
I've done L1 & L2 at CSS which was also good tuition, I found it a bit rigid though. Certainly learned some things but others I couldn't get on with. Their visual drills helped me a lot, so did the quick turn stuff.
Spike seems a good guy, a couple of mates were with him at an event in Jerez and said he was spot on. Don't think they had any coaching though, just picking his brains in the bar

I've tried once or twice to book a day with him but our calendars haven't matched up so far. I use his track guides almost everywhere I go, great learning tool for picking up markers.
I've booked a day in May with Notsofast after chatting with him and realising that we were both available. Looking forward to that.
Jeremy McWilliams is supposed to be excellent (Tracksense events in Europe) and so is Dean Ellison.
I kind of think that I've got something to learn from all of these guys, regardless of their approach. Some of it will work for me and some won't but if it makes me a little faster and a little less crashy then it's money well spent.