Nippy Normans charger not working


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Not sure whether there is a fuse, but I believe the canbus socket can provide limited current (< 1A). Some phones draw higher current if charging from zero.
Might be worth seeing if it works with a charged phone.
Thanks Rob. I?ll check it out. In the meantime, I?ve gone old school with instructions stuck to the tank, lol. H
Thanks Rob. I?ll check it out. In the meantime, I?ve gone old school with instructions stuck to the tank, lol. H

Welcome to the 1970?s Hugh, best way to travel mate, next you?ll be stopping strangers and asking directions.
That?s how great times, journeys, friendships, real relationships start.

Enjoy the fear in a Southerners eyes when you actually speak to them, lol.

Check the plate light. The accessory socket (on the left side of the bike on my 17 plater) runs off the same fuse as the the plate light. So if the plate light is off you've blew the fuse. I blew mine when making my own sat-nav cable for this socket. I can't recall the amps of the fuse though sorry. I'm at work atm.

EDIT: ***** just noticed the date of the OP....
Hey Gaz.
I started another thread
then followed up here where I had the problem before.
I've established that it is inded the same fuse that runs the plate light which isn't working.
I've disconnected the canbus and replaced the fuse and rear light still not working.
I might open up the tail tidy and see if there's a problem in there.
I can't see BMW being interested, even if I put the OEM tail back on if it's not that.
I'll check my haynes wiring diagram tonight to see the route the wiring takes and what systems (one has to be the ignition) it passes thru. I'm not hugely electrically minded but I can read wiring ok (I'm brilliant at connect the dots me!). Is it possible something has blew along the line and shot the control unit that is responsible for the this? I vaguely remember everything basically passes through the instrument cluster at some point. Maybe something has popped in there. Hopefully not, cos that sounds expensive.

Stupid question...but you have confirmed the bulb isn't dead yeah?
I'll check my haynes wiring diagram tonight to see the route the wiring takes and what systems (one has to be the ignition) it passes thru. I'm not hugely electrically minded but I can read wiring ok (I'm brilliant at connect the dots me!). Is it possible something has blew along the line and shot the control unit that is responsible for the this? I vaguely remember everything basically passes through the instrument cluster at some point. Maybe something has popped in there. Hopefully not, cos that sounds expensive.

Stupid question...but you have confirmed the bulb isn't dead yeah?

Good idea Gaz. Next job is remove tail tidy and see if there's a prob with the connection or if the works. I'll let you know what transpires. H
Good idea Gaz. Next job is remove tail tidy and see if there's a prob with the connection or if the works. I'll let you know what transpires. H

Right, apologies for the days late reply, I got side tracked and then forgot. Right I've uploaded a few pics of the wiring:

The first pic is the optional accessories plug and how it hooks up. Red/Brown being a live that goes directly through the fuse then to the starter relay. Brown is the negative parallel. Violet I believe is unused on the S1000RR but still hooks up to the control unit.

Second, third and fourth pic are the route the rear plate light takes through the fuse/starter and the pin it hooks up to in the control unit. This should give you a good start for troubleshooting the issue.

That first diagram clears up a spot of bother I had connecting the accessories socket to the NN plug. I found the wiring instructions that came with the plug to be wrong for what I required to wire in a TomTom.

Also found that the TomTom wouldn't charge on the bike if its battery was too discharged.

I had a right trial with the NN plug and the tomtom. Apart from the fairings which were like an advanced evening class in Origami, the wiring diagram provided was useless. There were 2 yellow wires from the NN plug, but which one is the feed? Obviously I guessed, got it wrong, had to remove fairings all over again (snapping a lug in the process) and try the other one. But then I decided to just join them both together in the hope that it would work. It did, no problems so far over the last 4/5 months. Works great no charging issues or weird flags on the dash. The only really irritating issue I have now is the bloody tomtom swinging round in the wind at the stem mount. Anyone got any fixes for that?
But, still cheaper than the OEM solution.
Thanks for comments guys, and the diagram Gaz.
Right then, opened her up and cables run straight through the tail-tidy back-of-house to the LED indicators and LED numberplate light (marked tail light below), so it's not a hidden away connection.
If the problem is with the LED tail tidy light itself, will disconnecting the red plastic tube connectors inside the tail (white dots on bottom photo) be enough to check the NN charger is working, or do I have to also re-connect the OEM tail tidy light to complete some kind of circuit? H
Photo 23-09-2018, 15 28 06.jpg
Photo 23-09-2018, 15 27 26.jpg
Photo 23-09-2018, 15 26 36.jpg
Pretty please to any electrical genius out there? Any thoughts?
Can I test my replacement tail tidy light by connecting it to a battery?
Thanks Rob. Typo error from me. I missed out the word "easily" between the words "Can" and "I".
How would a thicko go about that. ie. where do I get a ballast/driver and leads to hook up between the bike battery terminals and the tail tidy light leads?