Feeble sheep horn


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2016
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Went out yesterday to visit the sportsbikeshop.co.uk location (btw, dont follow their postcode on the website - its wrong - its actually PE20 1QJ - it'll save you ages of f*kin about down country lanes (which was fun but fruitless) getting frustrated). I found the staff a bit snotty, and its just like a big Argos - a few rails of clothes and helmets but you order your stuff on their big tablets (posh argos catalogue) and wait for the goods to be sent from their warehouse behind to the front desk. A bit disappointing for me anyway - i like to shuffle about and browse and they have about 12 things for the S1kRR.

On the way back, I got caught up in a bit of traffic following a tractor with solid white lines on our side of the road, so bided my time and when the lines turned into dashed ones, did the usual checks indicated and shot off like a scalded cat to overtake the cars. Now I know I should have anticipated this next event, and I was ready for such, but that doesn't excuse the rectum from doing it anyway.

Mr 57'reg Audi decided to indicate and pull out almost side swiping me into the hedges - my helmet cam (on the wrong side of the helmet to catch the details) doesnt show just how close this guy came from exchanging Audi paint for leather and BMW parts. I hit the horn to warn the guy (would have been pointless anyway, but wanted to at least let him know he almost killed me) but was met with such a feeble 'meeeep' that even I had to smile .. Hardly a warning - more like lamenting lamb.

Any ideas on how to beef this up so it sounds like Mr Audi is about to be hit by a juggernaut and not a fluffier version of Larry.
Have a look at the Denali Soundbomb on the R&G site. 120dB,should be enough to make mr Audi **** himself lol

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The horn is rubbish! To add insult to injury, it even has a delayed response.
I noticed yesterday that even the brake lights don't correspond exactly to input, welcome to your digital world...
Wayne, I have Denalis on both my bikes, excellent horns and really easy to fit. As for biding your time, a slow moving agricultural vehicle is one you are allowed to pass on solid lines.

Wayne, I have Denalis on both my bikes, excellent horns and really easy to fit. As for biding your time, a slow moving agricultural vehicle is one you are allowed to pass on solid lines.

Hey Jimmy......where about on your RR have you fitted the Denali? I bought one for my '14 plate Fireblade a while ago but couldn't find any space on the bike to fit the damn thing??! I didn't even bother attempting to find space on the RR...it's a big beast of a horn!
I noticed Denali have since brought out a 2 part version with the compressor separate from the actual horn, connected via a length of tubing?? Maybe this one could be easier to find a location on the bike for??
Also is it straight forward to fit to our "digital" bikes? That latency delay on the RR horn drives me mad! Why BMW?? :-/
Don't know if it makes you feel any better freudy but I nearly got taken out by a motor home near Richmond on Friday morning. The driver decided to drive straight through a set of bends (so crossing on to the other side of the road) just as I was overtaking. He then decided to beep his horn at me when I gesticulated my disapproval of his actions. I slowed right down and did consider taking matters further but thought better of it spoiling what was a good ride. There's a lot of idiots about at the moment, it's the holidays lol.
Hey Jimmy......where about on your RR have you fitted the Denali? I bought one for my '14 plate Fireblade a while ago but couldn't find any space on the bike to fit the damn thing??! I didn't even bother attempting to find space on the RR...it's a big beast of a horn!
I noticed Denali have since brought out a 2 part version with the compressor separate from the actual horn, connected via a length of tubing?? Maybe this one could be easier to find a location on the bike for??
Also is it straight forward to fit to our "digital" bikes? That latency delay on the RR horn drives me mad! Why BMW?? :-/

Cavey, I fitted mine on the right hand side just above the gills, next time I have the panel off I'll send you a photo. Will be taking them off after the TT to fit flush indicators, I glued them into my red panels so will have to wait on new ones arriving. Bought my Denali horns at the New York Bike show, the installer told me to point the open end of the hooter towards the tarmac so the noise bounces back up at you.

Anyway I'm away for a cold shower after talking about hooters, lol.

Cavey, I fitted mine on the right hand side just above the gills, next time I have the panel off I'll send you a photo. Will be taking them off after the TT to fit flush indicators, I glued them into my red panels so will have to wait on new ones arriving. Bought my Denali horns at the New York Bike show, the installer told me to point the open end of the hooter towards the tarmac so the noise bounces back up at you.

Anyway I'm away for a cold shower after talking about hooters, lol.

Cheers Jimmy haha......yeah would be great if you could send a pic? (and one of the horn!:excitement:) I'm thinking maybe you've got a different (smaller) Denali than the one i bought for my blade (it was massive - no way it was going anywhere under the fairings!??)
Could you possibly send a link to the model you have on yours? Enjoy the TT (not jealous at all:disturbed:)
Thanks in advance ;)
here's where I fitted mine

It's easier with this connector


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Cheers Jimmy/Charlie...i didn't realise Denali made one this small! ...just ordered one, thanks ;)
Where did you get that connector lead from?
And where does it plug in?

Lead was from BMW dealer and plugs in the horn plug just behind the horn. Just crimp on the ones to connect to new horn.

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fitted mine today....it doesn't actually sound that much louder than the stock one but it's a much deeper tone. Will test out on the road asap to see if it's more effective??
fitted mine today....it doesn't actually sound that much louder than the stock one but it's a much deeper tone. Will test out on the road asap to see if it's more effective??

I went with an FIAMM AM80S horn.

Same type as the Daneli Soundbomb mini but only 12 quid on ebay.

Not much louder than the OEM bike horn,but a deeper tone.
I wrote this a while back on another forum. I don't mean to cause an argument, but my bike weighs less!

There is only one reason to have a horn on a motorcycle, and that's if you live in an urban area where car's frequently don't go when the light turns green. Even then you'd be better off just going around them, or giving a quick throttle blip to help them remove head from anus.

All of our driving lives, we've been trained to honk when someone does something that can, or nearly will, cause an accident. A car merges into your lane, you honk. Car turns left in front of you, you honk. You get the picture, but it's become second nature. And therein lies the problem.

We naturally bring this muscle memory, this pre-determined automated threat response, to motorcycles. First problem is, your motorcycle horn sucks. It's ******* terrible, and cannot be heard at any speed above a dead stop. Even if they (cars) can hear your modified air horn, it will not improve your safety in the slightest. The most common cause of auto vs bike accidents occur either from a car failing to yield and turning in front of the bike, or the car rear-ending the bike. We'll focus on the first. A horn will do you no good. Even if the car does hear the horn, their first reaction is to hit the brakes. Can't crash at a standstill can you? Well this just makes it worse.

The real trouble is, when you encounter a sudden situation that requires your response to avoid. Car suddenly turns in front of you, at a speed and distance where you cannot, or at least have a very slim chance of, avoiding it. Nothing you can do. And yet, in this sudden panic, we hit our horns, or we think about hitting our horns. This takes a finger away from our controls, but more importantly, takes brain power away from doing something useful and allocates it to do something completely useless. Your first, and automatic reaction, should be avoidance maneuvers (Brakes, turns, throttle, or a combination).

The horn should never even be a possibility. Remove it, take that distracting and useless feature off, don't even give it the chance to take your reaction time. Save the 1-2 pounds, and throw it at the next car that turns in front of you. It'll be more effective then.

I've been riding on the street all my life save for a break in college. Starting with my SV1000S 9 years ago, my first mod is removing the horn. I haven't had a functional horn on any bike since then. So when a car turns in front of me, merges into my lane, or anything else, the horn is never even a consideration. I focus on immediate avoidance instead. And after I avoid the crash I retaliate.

One of these days I plan on wiring the switch to control my garage door opener. Have it do something useful for once.
Aaron, in the UK it is against the law to not have a horn on a vehicle that had one when manufactured.
We have to have a road worthiness test every year called an MOT test, (Ministry of Transport).

All parts of the vehicle are tested, brakes, lights, horn, tyres, chassis number plate size etc.

Luckily we don't have a culture of honking the horn at every slight error of other road users over here, but it's handy to be able to beep to let someone know we are sitting behind them when they are reversing close to you or to attract the attention of other road users.

In the event of a road accident that puts the rider in hospital or worse, undoubtedly their bike would be recovered from the scene and taken into storage whereby the police and insurance companies can examine it.
Ignoring the possible prosecutions from having an unroadworthy bike. Our insurance companies over here would love nothing better than to find that a rider had removed the horn as they would then not pay out as the bike had been modified.

I can only speak for myself but I don't think I have ever honked a horn because someone changed lanes in front of me or had the audacity to turn right or left (didn't quite understand this in your post). Luckily most riders keep well away from multi laned highways over here and enjoy the smaller, quieter more scenic routes when riding.
From your post it sounds like you are on a busy clogged up highway surrounded by drivers who can't use mirrors and no-one (yourself included) leaves a reaction gap between them and the vehicle in front.

People make mistakes whilst riding, driving, being a pedestrian too, from the information in your post I feel sorry for you to be riding and living in such an angry culture and can only extend my invitation to come to Scotland, ride the roads, hills and glens and return home a much more chilled and experienced rider.

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Good post JimmyMac, I had no idea about the MOT test you speak of and that makes sense. We don't have anything like that.

Most every intersection here allows what's called "Un-protected left turn" and right turn from red. So first we get a green arrow to turn left (Right, in your case), crossing oncoming traffic. Arrow symbolizes it's protected, you have right of way. Then the straight oncoming traffic gets a green light, and your arrow turns to a solid green. You can still turn, but it's un-protected, oncoming traffic has the right of way and you must yield to them prior to making your turn. A large percentage of accidents are due to the turning driver not yielding to oncoming traffic, their excuse always being "I didn't see him."

Right turn from red (Imagine a left turn from red in your case) is where you have a red light, but you're making a right turn to join traffic going that direction. You don't need to cross any traffic, just an immediate 90* turn. You have to yield to the traffic already going straight before you turn in to join them. A lot of cars making this turn don't yield, saying they didn't see the bike coming.

So, this is my video from a couple years ago.


Had the truck stopped, waited for me to go, then made that turn it would've been perfectly legal. That's right on red.

Also in this video, nobody was turning left, so the light skipped the protected left cycle and went to straight green for me. Had I been turning left, I would've needed to wait/yield to any oncoming traffic before turning. I hope this clears it up!

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