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  1. P

    Replacement Battery normal or Lithium

    Hi Guys Fancied a quick ride out on bike this afternoon and wouldn't start due to flat battery - Bugger!! The battery is only just over 12 months old, bike has alarm which I know drains the battery so I have it on trickle charge for most of the time. Have put battery on normal charger and when...
  2. P


    Off to the NEC Show this Saturday. Is it going to be a waste of time and money ? Anything I should look out for? Is it right that the KTM 1290 Superduke is NOT there?
  3. P

    Dash Warning - Lamps!

    Dumb Arse question of the day! Just took indicators off bike ready for Trackday on Monday and dash warning comes up "LAMPS!" Obviously this is because bike cannot detect any indicators I assume I can just ignore this , ?????? ???
  4. P

    Cover up the Cat! Just fitted the above to bike (even purchased sticker kit from site on e bay) but DID NOT purchase cover from UK e bayer but direct from Tecbike in Germany at a total cost of €104.29 = approax £86 delivered. Less than half the...
  5. P

    Scott Redding v Bradley Smith ?

    Just watched qualifing for tomorrows Moto2 . Scott Redding = 3rd Bradley Smith 15th ! Can anyone work out how lucky Smith is to get a Tech 3 MotoGp ride next year when the likes of Leon Haslam etc may well be hunting for a ride of any sort? ??? Redding on a satalite Ducati is rumoured , lets...
  6. P

    Seat Cover replace pillion seat ?

    Taken rear pegs off, fitted blanking plates and thinking off purchasing Seat Cover in bikes colour. See it costs £171.00 >:( Do you then have to add more for fastening / lock for this ? Looks like it according to accessory brochure. I haven't seen a single s1rr with cover all have seat or...
  7. P


    The wife asked what I was doing on the computer last night. I told her I was looking for some cheap flights. "I love you !" she said, then she got all excited, un-zipped my trousers and gave me the most amazing ******** ever....which is odd because she's never shown an interest in darts before. ???
  8. P

    Little Johnny

    One day, during lessons on proper grammer, the teacher asked for a show of hands from those who could use the word 'contagious' in a sentence. Little Suzie raised her hand and said "I once had measles and my mummy said they were contagious" "Very good, Suzie" replied the teacher. Little Johnny...
  9. P


    In a recent survey Six out of Seven Dwarfs said "They were not Happy" :-\
  10. P


    I bumped into a Dutchman today and I noticed that his shoes had built-in Sat Nav. I thought to myself 'fecking clever clogs' Just been stopped in the street by a Lady conducting a survey...She asked me what i knew about dwarfs... I said 'Very Little!'
  11. P

    Yellow Peril

    I get the impression that I'm the only one who has the yellow bike. So here are a couple of pictures. Plus still got R1 I've had from new in May 1999 , can't bring myself to sell (not worth much anyway) The R1 is just back from Trackday at Snetterton, I get red mist syndrome when on track so...