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  1. Billo01

    Travelling Europe

    It's down to own choice but I'd avoid Holidaysafe. Holidaysafe and Boots trade under TIF (Travel Insurance Facilities) who are under investigation for medical negligence by the British Medical Council. Other brands trading under TIF, Alpha Travel, Get Going and Ski Club Travel Insurance.
  2. Billo01

    New 2019 BMW S1000RR: Rumour, Gossip and Intrigue...

    44Teeth have a put up a 2 minute teaser vid. Bike sounds great!
  3. Billo01

    all injectors and exhaust flap

    I need educating here, what's the M word - a supermarket brand?
  4. Billo01

    BeMoto - Motocycle Insurance - Deals for Forum Members

    Renewal came through yesterday and Bemoto have again bettered their premium from last year by ?14 to a decent ?338 - happy indeed!!
  5. Billo01

    Acf 50

    As MRD1000 and The MissendenFlyer on YouTube on how to apply ACF50, put the sprayer in warm water. Tried it myself and it works.
  6. Billo01

    Bike Dryer

    +1 on this one. I've got the exact same model. Works a treat on the bike and the pooch
  7. Billo01

    Macau GP

    MCN claim to provide streaming
  8. Billo01

    Macau GP

    Anyone know if this is televised? Only thing I see on Eurosport is the F3.
  9. Billo01

    BvG new S1K vid

    He's also put a vid of his HP4 race on the dyno - 202.7 BHP
  10. Billo01

    Nippy Normans charger not working That first diagram clears up a spot of bother I had connecting the accessories socket to the NN plug. I found the wiring instructions that came with the plug to be wrong for what I required to wire in a TomTom. Also...
  11. Billo01

    Yet another oil thread

    At least you don't have to lie down to check the level, just pull the dipstick
  12. Billo01

    North Wales on 15 July

    I'd be up for ride out, always around those parts.
  13. Billo01

    Newb from Cheshire....

    Hi Stuart, don't let this disappointment set you back; continue the search, plenty of other dealers who'll help. A great choice of bike and would suggest a test ride of one to keep up your interest, maybe from Chester Motorrad, of course assuming this wasn't the dealer that let you down. Not...
  14. Billo01

    Broken fairing tab 2015 (is it repairable?)

    I had the same issue with tabs splitting and/or breaking off due to over-tightening of the panel screws (that's another story as to how they got like that) My fix was to fabricate tabs from a plastic industrial warning sign I got from work, cut the shapes out, drilled the hole and attached...
  15. Billo01

    TT for now

    who's bike is that at -30 seconds?
  16. Billo01

    TT for now
  17. Billo01

    Bargain HP4 NOT!

    Stand corrected, just seen the other post in showroom :confusion:
  18. Billo01

    Bargain HP4 NOT!

    Different bikes aren't they?? The top pic is Towers genuine HP4 and the lower pics are of his replica by the looks of it.
  19. Billo01

    Tyre pressure gauge.

    I've got that Venhill, it's good but find it can be a PIA to get the end on the valve properly in that if it isn't lined up or sits squarely I find it lets more air out of the tyre than measure pressure, still can't get use to it.
  20. Billo01

    Suffering from Farmer Giles? Why not try one of these........

    Yes the shiny black panels, they're normally supplied in matt black. Those on your bike look great....carbon?