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  1. P

    idea i have for S1000rr carbon fibre parts

    There is a healthy market for Carbon for the S1000rr , in my opinion its partly because the original plastic parts are such poor quality :( I've replaced Hugger, tank panels & badge panels with ilberger carbon. Many of the other BM's I've seen have had carbon added . So if a British company can...
  2. P

    Alarm issue?

    londomfrog something wrong with your alarm , If I look at my bike in the wrong way the alarm goes off!! Seriously I hardly have to move it a fraction and the alarm kicks in. ???
  3. P

    Shark Speed R Sauer

    SHARK is proud to present a new philosophy. Utilizing all SHARK’s expertise in safety, innovation and function the SPEED -R is a helmet specifically designed to meet the passionate demands of un-faired motorcycle riders. Boardsofnorfolk SO have you converted your s1000 to a streetfighter ? ;) ;)
  4. P

    Hello from Norwich

    Welcome! Not far from me! I'm near Diss!
  5. P

    Alarm issue?

    Got mine set up at first service , can now press fob a couple of times so alarm will not go off this is handy when cleaning etc ;D Then just switch ignition on and then off and alarm is back and working.
  6. P

    new helmet schuberth maybe

    Billybob "SR1 Ordered" I assume that you tried one on before ordering the lid ! I have always had Arai's but lasy year got a Shoei. Both good quality , Shoei has better visor replacement system and is quieter, Have never ridden without earplugs and even if they are not in correctly I have to...
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    My baby...

    Great post Rumpole . Love the pictures , just one question where did you get the ANTI-CAMERA Number Plate ? lol ;)
  8. P

    Shortening the wheelbase by fitting 45 tooth chain - effect?

    I,ve also got 46 tooth Rear Sprocket , as mentioned on another post going from 44 to 46 is less of a change than 1 less on the front . No problem with standard chain. And is a chick mod ;D
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    New owner in Norfolk

    Hi DanRR I'm also not far from you ( mid way between Diss and Bury St Edmunds) Looks like a Ride out is on the books 8) ;D
  10. P

    How bent is this???

    The reason it's so cheap is because its the common old motorsport colour. ;)
  11. P


    Hi & welcome . I'm only 15 miles from good old Bury St Edmunds ;D ;D
  12. P

    BMW customer service – appalling, unlucky or acceptable??

    My local Dealers are in Norwich and I don't rate them. But are they any worse than most? Last week I called in at Bowers (Bury St Edmunds) who are Yamaha dealers (purchased my R1 from them some years ago) Salesman saw that I had BM and went into what crap quality bike was and I should try the...
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    Calling all you carbon wh0re$

    ilmberger is good quality kit. Not cheap but you only get what you pay for said " the hooker to the bishop!" ;)
  14. P

    Insurance jokers.....

    Boardsofnorfolk £219 = Bargain of the Century !! You must live in some remote part of Norfolk where the last time a criminal act was carried out the person was put in stocks! Have you got every security device avaiable fitted on bike? Seriously I live in a small village on Norfolk/Suffolk border...
  15. P

    Pre Track Day Checks ?

    Bananaman AS IF anyone would be so stupid!!! O it was ME :o :o :o Thank god it was Snetterton and as I live only 12 miles from track , it was a matter of unhitching trailer blast back home for key (laying in kitchen ready to be put in car DOH!) and back in time for first session. ;D
  16. P

    Aftermarket screens

    Removing washers is not to bad its putting them in new screen! I've found that putting a film of washing up liquid on the washer makes the job a lot easier :)
  17. P

    Aftermarket screens

    Apple T The MRA Screens do come with a beading to go round the top. ;D
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    Custom decals?

    Andy are you sure you wouldn't rather have a number 33 ;) ;) After all it looks like Marco is currently the man on form ! Despite his crazy move at Donington >:(
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    New exhaust

    Must say it looks the business :D Where did you get it from and how much of you hard earned did it set you back? ???
  20. P

    How hot has your engine got?

    Never seen 109c but as soon as I get in traffic for even for short time temp goes up to 104c ish. As soon as I get on the move 30mph + temp soon comes down. On track temps never going to get up to 109c unless bike is stuck on its side in the kitty litter with throttle stuck full on ;)