Exhaust recommendations please


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
I've sacked buying a Vostok watch... I've got penis envy with these juicy cans all you geezers have.. So I'm manning up...

My Delk slip on isn't doing it....so I'd like to change...and go large ! I'd welcome some RECs...quite happy with a slip on, not sure about decatting so slip on will be hunky dory.

Fire away.. Thanks in anticipation
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If youre changing the can I would fit it with a decat pipe whatever you buy, the weight saving alone is worthwhile.
Soof. Does that mean binning the CAT. If so will I have to get the bike modified..dynoed or that then ?... I've always just done a slip on...im fancying the Racefit that growler looks really good
How difficult is it taking the CAT off

Easy. Just get a link pipe and it's a 10 minute job to remove and replace the section with the cat. 4 springs I think with the belly pan off.

with the oe can the decat doesn't require any fueling changes, but when you decide what can you are getting, I'd get a link pipe that will fit it to your hp4 system, then run it and see if the fueling is good before throwing it at a dyno, it might not need anything doing.
Soof im the original guy that built airfix models and got the glue and paint all over my face and hands. Read thru your and others posts a while back and it started to fill me with dread. No doubt if I started disconnecting the CAT and cables id end up with comfy nuts as in "where the fuxx did they comfy".

So think I mite just buy the can as a slip on and see how it goes 1st...have a budget of 500..the link pipe is similarly priced.

I call racefit later.. cheers all
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No doubt if I started disconnecting the CAT and cables id end up with comfy nuts as in "where the fuxx did they comfy".

that's a cracker stuart
Totally Davy true but... I'm actually just a lazy bastard.... I just want to slacken a couple of things off bang on the pipe couple of springs bla bla.........bingo I hate working on mechanical things now 10 mins max for me then I'm onto the next thing
Totally Davy true but... I'm actually just a lazy bastard.... I just want to slacken a couple of things off bang on the pipe couple of springs bla bla.........bingo I hate working on mechanical things now 10 mins max for me then I'm onto the next thing

Is that what you tell all the ladies Stu ;).

In terms of laziness I got my dealer to supply and fit the link pipe for me.
Is that what you tell all the ladies Stu ;).

In terms of laziness I got my dealer to supply and fit the link pipe for me.

You know me so well Soof lol...

aye my dealers like 80 miles away..and anyhow the dealers not cheap.. I read all these posts about you guys with track bikes, carbon add ons, three other bikes, rizoma this and that...15 hunner quid exhausts...throw it into the dealers...dynos.. trick bits.. ye yea I just stuck on that THOUSAND quid fairing for the track...... I'm like jumping **** how do these cats afford all this... lol

I'm lucky to fill my tank... mind ye I've two girls to look after... that's where my money goes.. POOR STUART Crowdfunding here I think.. :)
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You know me so well Soof lol...

aye my dealers like 80 miles away..and anyhow the dealers not cheap.. I read all these posts about you guys with track bikes, carbon add ons, three other bikes, rizoma this and that...15 hunner quid exhausts...throw it into the dealers...dynos.. trick bits.. ye yea I just stuck on that THOUSAND quid fairing for the track...... I'm like jumping **** how do these cats afford all this... lol

I'm lucky to fill my tank... mind ye I've two girls to look after... that's where my money goes.. POOR STUART Crowdfunding here I think.. :)

lol crowdfunding.... I'd have a lot more bikes in the garage if I didn't have the two nippers to clothe, feed and educate. In 't old days they'd be down pit earning a crust already ;).
If you don't like mechanical work, definitely don't go for a full system as it is 'supposed' to take 5 hours to fit, good luck with that, it took me about 8, but I didn't damage anything, so still happy.

That is for an Akrapovic btw.
Full Exhaust System

It took me half a day to fit a HP Race Power Kit (Akrapovič Race Full System) and then the bike was required to go back to BMW for the associated ECU enabling and race mapping. Fitting a full system on the S1000RR can certainly be a time consuming process.
If you don't like mechanical work, definitely don't go for a full system as it is 'supposed' to take 5 hours to fit, good luck with that, it took me about 8, but I didn't damage anything, so still happy.

That is for an Akrapovic btw.

Milbridger I thought you had taste... lol...kiddin........slip on for me i think
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