Day off work, means day on bike!


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2017
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Essex & Aberdeen
Has been a particularly good Tuesday today. Had the day off, which meant the opportunity to spend the day on the bike!

@phil and I met 10 am this morning at Thurrock services, near Lakeside, completing a round about trip over to Rye. Now as many of you know, sense of direction has never been my strong point, so that coupled with trying to keep up with @phil during rain, fog and muddy roads meant taking in the route details wasn?t on the priority list. I did see the sea at one point though, so the RoSPA training is definitely paying off lol!

The weather forecast suggested that the morning would be cold, but dry with a chance of rain later this afternoon. Well, classically that turned out to be precisely inaccurate, with relatively warm weather (high singles), rain and some fog in the morning, which proceeded to improve as the day went on.

@phil was on his Triumph Tiger, fitted with Metzeller RoadTech 01?s and I was riding on a brand new set of Michelin Road 5?s.
Phil lead the ride all day, setting a spirited pace over some excellent roads. We both agreed that if roads can be entertaining in poor weather/road conditions, then it?s a pretty safe bet that the roads will be absolutely superb in the dry [emoji41]
There were numerous overtaking opportunities today, which was a great chance for me to see and practice forward planning and pre-overtake positioning. It?s amazing how positioning and forward planning makes overtake opportunities available, that would otherwise have been impossible. That?s something I really feel has become apparent during my ongoing Advanced training.

In terms of tyres, both bikes performed flawlessly all day and at no point did we have any slides or ?moments?. Given the road conditions, this is high praise indeed as to the wet weather performance and confidence that these tyres instil.
I had the opportunity to partially scrub the Road 5?s in last Sunday and based on initial impressions, am extremely impressed. I find them to be quite quick steering, but still progressive. They inspire tremendous confidence in poor conditions, more so than any tyre I can recall. One thing I noticed with the Road 5?s, is that they seem to handle gravel on the road remarkably well, in that a couple times I?ve traveled over small patches of gravel and haven?t felt any movement or twitch from the tyres. I imagine this is probably attributable to the massive tread gaps.
I have not had an opportunity yet to really explore the outer shoulders of the tyres, but judging by their rather slick appearance I would expect them to be more planted than previous Gen Michelin Pilot Road series tyres. Will review these tyres properly in the coming months, but they already get two thumbs up from me [emoji1303][emoji1303]

Thanks again for a great day Phil!

Hope you?re all having a good week and here?s to many more fantastic rides ahead in 2019, bring on the Spring!


As you can see, I?m no photographer!

- Oli
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Looks like fun!

A quick question on this advanced rider stuff, I keep reading stuff about the speeds involved and lots of overtaking and 'making progress'; would any of the riding actually be classed as illegal in the eyes of the law?! Are you likely to get pulled when doing proper training?
Looks like fun!

A quick question on this advanced rider stuff, I keep reading stuff about the speeds involved and lots of overtaking and 'making progress'; would any of the riding actually be classed as illegal in the eyes of the law?! Are you likely to get pulled when doing proper training?

No. You are not allowed to exceed the legal limits. ‘Making progress’ is not about being quicker where you are being quick (i.e. speeding), its about being quick where you would be pedestrian.
Looks like fun!

A quick question on this advanced rider stuff, I keep reading stuff about the speeds involved and lots of overtaking and 'making progress'; would any of the riding actually be classed as illegal in the eyes of the law?! Are you likely to get pulled when doing proper training?

When on observed rides (training) and when under examination you must stick to all posted speed limits. RoadCraft, the book that Advanced training is all based on states that you should always treat posted speed limits as the maximum permissible speed (not necessarily a safe speed), which is true.
That being said, when you?re not under assessment, you as an individual can ride however you feel is appropriate. For me personally, that is religiosity honour 30?s, 40?s, 50?s, national speed limits are ?relaxed? in appropriate (to me) areas.

In terms of over taking, making progress and speed. There are no requirements to make overtakes in modern advanced training, nor should one have to break the speed limit to complete an overtake. What observers/examiners want to see is that you?re in an appropriate position to maximise vision and safety, which usually means that over takes are facilitated.

Ultimately, advanced training is about increasing safety first, making progress second.

The only ?grey area? in the eyes of the law with regard to advanced riding, is off-siding

- Oli
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Interesting stuff.
Always liked the idea of it but with my road riding reducing it doesn't really seem worthwhile in some senses. I really need a job change so I can justify buying a GSA for a longer commute!
Interesting stuff.
Always liked the idea of it but with my road riding reducing it doesn't really seem worthwhile in some senses. I
Any training is worthwhile, even if it is just half a day you might learn something that will stay with you for the rest of your riding career.
I had never heard of advanced riding when I was offered tution back in 1991, I was fortunate to have taken that opportunity as it has probably helped save my life.
Continuous rider development is the key, never give up trying to improve.
I'm still trying!!
Great write up Oli, very enjoyable day out, your riding and thought process is improving every time we go out.
A good saying is, It's not how fast you ride but how you ride fast!
Are you running a 190 rear tyre on the Forged Wheels - I looked at these tyres for my Euro trip but they didn't do a 200 for the rear......

Yes 190/55, however I had the DTC recalibrated for that size.
I never really noticed much difference between 190 and 200 on the road, but I do like the additional range of tyres available in 190
Nice write up Oli, good to see you out and about in the high temps. Was -8c here last week so I popped over to Paris where it was a blistering -3c and the yellow jackets put the city on lockdown, lol.

Can't wait for the high singles, it will be t-shirt weather.

Take it your student days are a long forgotten part of your memory and you now have to earn a crust?

Take care

Thanks @JimmyMac !
Yes it?s been quite some time since I?ve been a student, is amazing how quickly the time has gone bye! Have been working as a researcher at the same University since graduating last July, though nothing quite like your Herculean amount of work these past 4 months or so (still have no idea how you managed it, unless of course you were mainlining the Irn Bru [emoji12])

Was this another 36 hr road trip to Paris!? [emoji2957]
The yellow jackets have been hugely disruptive ... I take it they are still extremely active

- Oli
Nice write up Oli, good to see you out and about in the high temps. Was -8c here last week so I popped over to Paris where it was a blistering -3c and the yellow jackets put the city on lockdown, lol.

Can't wait for the high singles, it will be t-shirt weather.

Take it your student days are a long forgotten part of your memory and you now have to earn a crust?

Take care


Hi Jimmy, your Paris trip sounds like its worth a thread of its own......
Another fine day out today with Oli, just over 200 miles in glorious sunshine.

It most certainly was!
Despite the chilly start to the day the temperature warmed up considerably and ended up being ideal.
The roads were excellent on our ride over to Peterborough (I think lol), with some properly quick sections in places and loads of fast over taking opportunities [emoji41]
The scenery was excellent too, with many stunning houses and buildings (should have taken more photos)


- Oli
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Not too far from my old stomping ground of St Ives Oli, lots of beautiful buildings down there. Glad you are enjoying the weather, its been fantastic up here to.

Maximum progress with maximum safety, will always bring a smile to your face.

You trying to tell us something..parked outside a solicitors office lol... good pics mate.... stunning day here too...

Stuart's Galaxy sent this !
Sorry Oli, I had a great 336 mile day out on the bike today, rode to and around the Cotswolds... next time I will ask you to join me!
Sorry Oli, I had a great 336 mile day out on the bike today, rode to and around the Cotswolds... next time I will ask you to join me!

Glad to hear you had a great day out Phil, did you take any photos?
I was looking through a microscope all morning checking those plates from last week lol [emoji851]

- Oli

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