Problems with gearbox


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Sep 14, 2020
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Hi, guys! Hope you can help me with advice. I have 2013 year S1000RR. Few days ago I was riding a bike and I realized, that bike shifts from 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear, but cant shift into 4th. I used quickshifter and clutch but no result. Then I drove some miles, tried somehow to shift into 4th gear and then finally I made it. But then I realized, that now its shifting good form 4th, 5th and 6th gear, but it dosn't shifts from 4th to 3rd. So I am very sad about it. Maybe anyone else have this problem?

Will be glad for any information!
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Its quite common to break the selector for 4th.

Gearbox needs inspecting and parts replacing.

- Alex
Hi, Alex! How serious is this issue? And how much it can aprox. cost to repair it?
This link is to a page that shows the issue and a billet solution. Not used it myself. You may just want a new OEM one, but either way I suspect this is what is broken.,S1000rr.html

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as above,more than likely selector fork is worn so no able to shift drum's not a chaep job,engine out+split,whilst your there a refresh would be a good idea as all it's going to cost you extra is parts (mainly)
Hi, guys! Hope you can help me with advice. I have 2013 year S1000RR. Few days ago I was riding a bike and I realized, that bike shifts from 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear, but cant shift into 4th. I used quickshifter and clutch but no result. Then I drove some miles, tried somehow to shift into 4th gear and then finally I made it. But then I realized, that now its shifting good form 4th, 5th and 6th gear, but it dosn't shifts from 4th to 3rd. So I am very sad about it. Maybe anyone else have this problem?

Will be glad for any information!
Did you solve the issue if so what was the solution
Gen 3 2015+ had improvements.
Thanks! Pheew. I was thinking of the auto-shifter, how it slams the gears into place, perhaps that's what used to cause it? But they didn't have that on a lot of the earlier bikes did they, it was a package you had to buy. I couldn't imagine riding without the blipper and shifter, not this bike.

One of my Hayabusa's has this thing that if you don't get the change just right it finds a false neutral going into 5th and 6th. You've gotta be very positive with the change, or else keep pressure on the shift lever for a second and you feel it sort of click twice. Probably a similar issue, but obviously not as bad.

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