Loosing clutch free play in 4th gear


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Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Hello guys
I noticed that my bike with 15000km under hard acceleration is slipping in 4th gear.

The clutch lever adjustment is good without gear. When i am driving it also feels normal.

But when in accelerate i feel the slack to be decreased in 4th gear so much it doesnt have any slack and it slips.
The problem is happeng only in 4th gear and under hard acceleration.
If i shift to 5th without closing the throttle the slack on the lever feel normal again and it doesnt slip..

The problem looks like something is decreasing the clutch free play under acceleration in 4th gear only

Any thoughts?
If it was due to free play, surely it would effect all gears and not only 4th?
Having said that, check it.
Are you sure it is the clutch? If only one gear is affected, maybe the gear has come free of the shaft, or the teeth are worn.
you'd know if the actual 4th gear was slipping,there would other issues if it was.
First of all thank you guys for the answers

I will try to give some more free play to the clutch and i will see.

Just to explain a little better the problem.
Imagine having a gear and accelerate (normal or hard). If you slightly touch the clutch lever (not pulling the lever) you will feel the free play it has.
If i am pushing hard on 4th gear i feel the clutch lever pushing my finger frontward till it stops(no more free play) and slips. This doesnt happen in 3rd, 5th or 6th

Next time i will try to replicate the problem because i havent ridden my bike till that day. And then i will give some more free play and try again

I will post again when i have news