Exhaust manifold nut removal


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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2016
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Hi guys I’m taking my stock exhaust off and when removing the manifold nuts a couple are that corroded that the stud unwound with the nut. Anyone else had this experience and is it a problem when reinstalling? I’m assuming I’ll just wind them back in with the nut and torque but maybe there is an aftermarket bolt I should go for instead?
On the F900R, the stud did come out with the nut. I just removed the nut from the stud, cleaned the thread and reinstalled with correct torque value.
If it's that bad, just get oem replacement for stud/nut.
In this scenario I would always use oem.
Ok thanks. How did you remove the nut from the stud without damaging the thread on the stud? Can’t think how to grip it without damaging.
Penetrating oil and decent mole grips. Failing that. Heat and new replacement bolts. Oh and patience
Thanks guys I think I’ll get the set of new studs and nuts and do them all while I’m at it! Seems sensible given they are all in pretty bad shape already so god knows what they will be like in future if I need to remove again.
Only do the new studs up lightly as the loctite will hold them in. Any proper force and the hex will put a hairline crack where the hex is. 7mm socket for the nuts from memory. J
Only do the new studs up lightly as the loctite will hold them in. Any proper force and the hex will put a hairline crack where the hex is. 7mm socket for the nuts from memory. J
Will do thanks again for the advice