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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
I'm at Knockhill, so first track day and with this Gen 1 ZX... still trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm in inters and by far not the slowest, there's some really fast guys, one of them T boned a guy at the Hairpin, it was carnage with both bikes wrecked.

Second lap tyres felt really greasy and could feel them squirm (power 5s)... so continually dropped pressure, now at 29 rear 27 front, the bike feels more stable. Had to share a genny as the garages are locked which is really inconvenient.. here again Friday so bought a Genny online just there, that Bohmer is really quite quiet, think BBB has one, there's a guy here with the I5000 and its groat, so bought that one.

Turned my compression in by 3 clicks and rebound 1, rear shock feels good....

More to follow later

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I'm at Knockhill, so first track day and with this Gen 1 ZX... still trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm in inters and by far not the slowest, there's some really fast guys, one of them T boned a guy at the Hairpin, it was carnage with both bikes wrecked.

Second lap tyres felt really greasy and could feel them squirm (power 5s)... so continually dropped pressure, now at 29 rear 27 front, the bike feels more stable. Had to share a genny as the garages are locked which is really inconvenient.. here again Friday so bought a Genny online just there, that Bohmer is really quite quiet, think BBB has one, there's a guy here with the I5000 and its groat, so bought that one.

Turned my compression in by 3 clicks and rebound 1, rear shock feels good....

More to follow later

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Great fun, but I?d be careful about dropping that front tyre pressure that low, or lower. The problem with road tyres is that the front can be absolutely overwhelmed with weight under braking, the carcass can deform into the wrong shape and you?ll lose contact in the centre. If they do, you?ll feel it at the tip in just when you don?t need the hassle! I?ve not heard of or dared to go lower than 30 on the front with road tyres. Rear, always lower than front is my admittedly limited experience. Take care and have fun!
Agreed on the tyre pressure advice - that is definitely too low for the front - you should generally be aiming for 35 hot

I did a trackday at Knockhill last month running Michelin Power RS and started off with 30.5 F and 27.5 R (cold) as per Michelin advice and they felt good at that.

The Power 5 is not the best choice for the tack - you'd be better getting something more 'track oriented'. My bike actually felt quite good on the Power RS, but there was still noticeable movement compared to a Racetec K3 or Supercorsa.
Just back and tidying up, jesus the organisation for one day is mad !... blasted thru those replies, thanks all !.

I agree the Power 5 isn't a patch on my RS plus now and previous RSs I've had on my HP4.

I ordered a set of Power Cup 2s on Friday, so I'll stick them on. At a glance I couldnt see much on Power 5s on Michelins site last night and today.

The pressures on the power Cup 2s were much lower... I thought I saw 27.5 psi rear somewhere but I'll study the guides and ask all of you loads of questions...

Wrong pressures or not the bike felt way better at lower pressures, probably just luck tbh.. I also increased by 3 clicks the compression and 2 on the rebound, that made the front end feel really solid. .

h and my wheelies up that front straight from the hairpin were being commented on lol... its totally mental

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Another thing I decided on at Knockhill today, see sales section if your interested in a more or less less brand new pair of Alpine Stars GP Pro Gloves...yea, the ones I bought last week !

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Great camaraderie us bikers, as it turns out the garage bit is closed, so no power for my tyre warmers, two guys from Perth who pulled in to the slot adjacent let me use their Genny.... The rider inherited the bike off his pal who passed away, bit of a sad story behind it all and not really something for public consumption, but lovely guys and couldn't have been more helpful, so hopefully see them again sometime..

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It was quality Amit. I loved watching all the people arriving and setting up, you could tell this was their thing when they took only 15 minutes from driving in, awning out, big mat, table, chairs, Snap On roll cab, bike, stands, fuel containers, spare wheels lined up etc etc. Dead organised, love it !

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What was said about the hairpin accident?
Never heard much about it Locke, but it was a real sore one... I never saw it, the guy I shared the Genny with heard a scream and a bike and rider tumbled past him then the second bike flew past him into the gravel...... presume the boy who rear ended the guy was at fault... lot of guys going banzai, even in my group (inters) some real fast dudes, I was conscious of being cut up, but the fast cats passing me never caused any issues..

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Knockhill normally bang on about the protection bubble to keep everyone safe. Been to a couple of days that guys have been black flagged for riding like twats. Inters can be a risky group at times with loads of riders with something to ?prove?.
Hi Stu, Glad you enjoyed the day and everything went well for you. Are you tempted to venture onto more tracks?
How's it going Phil, very much so, I have Cadwell this weekend, Croft next month and I'm back at Knockhill today, I was like a fish out of water compared to I said before it was great watching people set up all their stuff... loads of chat with other people too which suits me as I'll talk to anyone lol...

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Knockhill normally bang on about the protection bubble to keep everyone safe. Been to a couple of days that guys have been black flagged for riding like twats. Inters can be a risky group at times with loads of riders with something to ?prove?.

I get the impression some of the fast guys were actually booked to inters due to the fast section being full..certainly looked that way to me.

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How's it going Phil, very much so, I have Cadwell this weekend, Croft next month and I'm back at Knockhill today, I was like a fish out of water compared to I said before it was great watching people set up all their stuff... loads of chat with other people too which suits me as I'll talk to anyone lol...

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It's going very well Stuart, you will love Cadwell.... Grab an Instructor for a session or 2, I hope the weather stays kind for you.