GS1200 Damage


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S1000RR Supporter
Sep 18, 2012
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Hey all, looking for some thoughts on how to proceed - my girlfriend has a little, low speed off at the weekend on her 2013 GS1200, which seems to have ended up being much worse than one could have imagined. I'm not really sure of the details, as she's not UK based (Germany) and I have not seen any pics, but a low speed lowside on slippy road surface sent the bike into some solid metal fencing and of course it had to hit one of the stanchions...

She's absolutely fine, and got the bike taken to her dealer. The dealer is saying the bike is beyond economical repair. That's the point that I found out she was only insured 3rd party... don't get me started on that.

I remember a post on here a few years back, which I can't find, telling a similar-ish story of accident damage to an RR that threatened to write a bike off, yet the bloke was able to get the bike back to a mechanically safe condition for a few hundred quid, even if it wasn't cosmetically perfect - I'm trying to get gf to work out if that's what's happening here, or if it is genuinely gubbed.

She has declined (for now) an offer of ?4k for the wreck, whilst we work out what to do. The dealer has listed a bunch of things that are wrong with the bike over the phone, and we're trying to get that in writing to work out what's mechanically necessary vs cosmetic. We have of course got friends over there that are helping out, but just looking for any thoughts/ideas to make sure we've considered everything. Given that when she bought the bike it would have been about ?1500 cheaper here, I'm hoping that I might be able to source parts cheaper, e.g. through motorworks (anyone else worth a try?)

..oh, and I had a pretty miserable weekend myself - smashed up a toe so badly that I need surgery... as such don't think I'm being ungrateful if I don't reply to any posts quickly, i'm just just dealing with that.

Lucky white heather anyone....
Is the frame damaged or has any scratches/tears on it ?

That would be the obvious reason for "beyond economical repair" statement.
Frame is definitely scratched, but doesn't sound like damage per se. I'm reminded of that you tube of the RCV213 that got written off cos someone knocked it over and lightly scratched the frame...
Sorry to hear you're both in the wars. They write them off for next to nothing nowadays. It's like fixing things is too hard (expensive).
Why is the dealer deciding what's economical to repair?

Can she, through insurance, get a like for like replacement?
Alex - its 3rd party, that means the bike is not covered under the terms of the insurance.

If the frame is lightly damaged I expect that will be the reason for being beyond economical repair.
Dealer was passing comment, has no official weight.
She was effectively insured third party Alex, so she's got no insurance for 'self inflicted' damage.
Yeah but stripping the bike and rebuilding it on to a new frame isn?t going to be quick. Plus there is a ?list? of other stuff....
Yeah but stripping the bike and rebuilding it on to a new frame isn?t going to be quick. Plus there is a ?list? of other stuff....

Not going to be quick I agree, but not going to be too expensive for sure. Other stuff will cost $$$ as well, I'm not saying it wont.

I guess all depends whether you want to ride it or not. Will be cheaper than buying a new bike.
So, I've now seen a pic of the damage... She went down leaving a roundabout and the bike slid into fencing similar to what we have in the UK - a single band of unpainted, almost corrugated metal fencing. It didn't even hit an upright. Trouble is that the fences there seem to be a little higher than the UK - it would have bounced off ours. Instead it got trapped under it. The RHS link pipe has been flattened by the underside of the fence, and the LHS engine plate is badly scraped from riding along the ground, and will prob need replaced. I don't see any frame/fork damage. Lots of cosmetic damage, of course, but she can live with that.

Happily we've found that one of her mate's hubby loves to rebuild bikes... so its going to him for assessment. Fingers crossed...

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