Changing Ohlins NIX30 Springs


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Apr 29, 2014
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London and Norfolk
I watched this, looks easy enough, with the right tools.

Anyone know what the red tube is and where to buy it?

Screenshot 2019-10-21 at 14.05.01.jpg
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it is easy,but as you say,need the correct tools,and a mate to take strain off bike at first.

the red tube is there to hold the cartridge kit up in place so you can screw the cap bak on,otherwise slides down into stancion leg
it is easy,but as you say,need the correct tools,and a mate to take strain off bike at first.

the red tube is there to hold the cartridge kit up in place so you can screw the cap bak on,otherwise slides down into stancion leg

Lol I was looking for its name but I think I found it or at least an equiv. Motion Pro 5 in 1 Damper Rod Bleed Tool.

I assume that in a service you use it to pump the damper fluid out, hence its name.
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I dont think there's any pumping of oil going on with that, it's just a hole to give it somewhere to go to keep the job clean.

You put a (19mm) spanner on there to stop the rod from turning and stop it from dropping down when you unscrew the top cap and take it off. You need to get rid of the spanner to get the spring off so the red tube holds onto the rod. If you just removed the spanner the rod falls down into the fork tube and is a right headache to get back out.
Yes. The usage in the video was self explanatory.

I was merely mentioning what it is called by Motion Pro and summising the bleed in the title being about getting oil out during a full service .

I cannot yet find the red one in the video. (I am just interested to find options/makes/models). Found something else that is shittier and not worth posting.

- Alex
Thanks Vlad, i got the 'BGS' fork cap socket a while back (Amazon). The pull up part looks to be better value for money than others, I will probably get that. Nice one.

- Alex
I’m guessing changing springs in the DDC forks would be a very similar process?