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    Part Wanted Wanted - SC Project Conic Silencer for 2016 S1000RR

    Hi TonyBee. I have an SC Project Conic for sale. I've sent you some pictures in a PM if you're interested.
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    Part For Sale Parts For Sale

    All items now sold.
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    Part For Sale Parts For Sale

    Seat now sold.
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    Part For Sale Parts For Sale

    Bag now sold. Thanks @ JamieMac
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    Part For Sale Parts For Sale

    @jamie PM'd you.
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    Part For Sale Parts For Sale

    I'm trading my RR in for the new M XR as I'm getting older and need a comfier ride, so have a few parts to sell. Wunderlich Active Comfort Seat - originally purchased from Nippy Normans. £200+P&P. Arrow Pro-Race Titanium End Can (incl baffle). £250+P&P. BMW Small Tank Bag (incl rain bag)...
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    S1000RR Gen 4 Delivery Thread

    My local dealer (Sycamore Motorrad in Peterborough) is closing for at least a week after today. I've just been to collect my bike off them as they carried out the neutral issue fix for me and it would've been stranded there if I didn't go and collect it. Not sure how this lockdown is gonna...
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    Gen 4 Abba Stand Fitting kit

    It's a good bit of kit, saves the old knees when you wanna do a bit of work on the bike.
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    Gen 4 Abba Stand Fitting kit

    So I have both the Abba skylift and superbike stand which I was patiently waiting for the fitting kit for the Gen 4 'M' package model to appear on sale on their website, but nothing appeared to be forthcoming so I gave them a call today. Apparently they are having trouble sourcing a bike to...
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    Full Carbon Gen 4

    Is the group buy still going ahead? I see a few people changing their minds, so not much of a group! :highly_amused:
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    Full Carbon Gen 4

    I'm in for the street bellypan
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    Full Carbon Gen 4

    I was looking at getting the street bellypan to cover the coffin at the bottom. Seemed to be slightly cheaper going through performance parts than direct, but I'd be interested if you can get it cheaper.
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    Music Magpie

    I recently sold my S8. I knew it had screen burn in so I used a comparison site to see who pays the most for a damaged phone so I had an idea of what the worst case offer would be. I sent it in as working perfectly and they thankfully didn't see or care about the burn in. Got ?173 for it from a...
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    New 2019 BMW S1000RR: Rumour, Gossip and Intrigue... 44 teeth with the gen4 at Santa pod
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    New 2019 BMW S1000RR: Rumour, Gossip and Intrigue...

    I'm not sure what the instructions were, but I know my dealer had received both a Sport version and an M version. They used the sport as their demo and I had the M.
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    New 2019 BMW S1000RR: Rumour, Gossip and Intrigue...

    I have mine, but only because my dealer let me have theirs before they started using it as a demo. I was lucky I had ordered the exact specification they had received from BMW. I'd still be waiting if they didn't I'm guessing as I placed my deposit in February this year.
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    New 2019 BMW S1000RR: Rumour, Gossip and Intrigue...

    Youtube clip of the silver version...
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    BMW S1000RR Gen 4 - "Long Term Review"

    I can join that thread too thankfully. First service in a couple of days and looking forward to seeing the back of the rev limiter. First thing that needs sorting is a more comfortable seat, I've actually been wearing padded cycling shorts underneath my leathers to ease the pain :friendly_wink: