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  1. T

    2015 s1000rr

    This is what I had from the local dealer "The BMW S1000RR is ?13,700 (On-The-Road.) The BMW S1000RR Sport is ?14,760 (On-The-Road.) * The BMW S1000RR (Bike Only) * The BMW S1000RR Sport comes with; * *Design Wheels (Black with Red Pin Strip.) *Gear Shift Assist Pro *Dynamic Damping...
  2. T

    Best biking day in 2014?

    Mine was riding down to Barcelona for the gp and we rode from Clermont Ferrand to Montpellier and we rode down a mountain to the valley floor and stumbled across a little village called L'estaing. Epic day of riding.
  3. T

    My Sump

    Sump (in the background) doesn't look too bad from that picture. Ask the dealer and see what they say.
  4. T

    S1000rr tail tidy

    I was in the same boat as Explorer. Rang him, emailed him, no response. Went for an Evotech one in the end, really happy with it. Easy to install and is well made.
  5. T

    Gsx-r 1000 2014

    BMW may be seen as a premium brand but the paint finish isn't all that and the g/box is a bit poo although it is getting better with a few miles on it.
  6. T

    S1000rr Insurance!! Who's the best

    Bennetts for me this year. ?144 FC for a new S1000rr. 39 at the time of taking the policy out. I got them to triple check it as it was so cheap.
  7. T

    2015 S100RR Looks 'rank'

    I quite like it but I do prefer the can on my 2014
  8. T

    How long do your tyres last?

    Pilot Power 3's for me. They've been on for 3000 miles plus (life left too) and have been down to Barcelona and back with no problems. Deffo getting another set when these finish
  9. T

    Confirmation of standard equipment for 2014 S1000RR

    DTC and shift assist are standard, ABS, heated grips and different paint are options. My bike came with a tank pad fitted.
  10. T

    Sat Nav Mount

    Ultimate mobiles, got the mount, case and hardwire kit from them.
  11. T

    Stupid Question - Filling Fuel Tank

    I fill mine up so you can see it on the filler neck, same as DJUK, stand it up and get as much in as possible. The fuel economy on mine has got a lot better as the miles have gone on and the engine loosens up, usually get to around 130 miles before the light comes on. The light does seem a bit...
  12. T

    Sat Nav Mount

    I used a Nuvi 2595 car sat nav with a fork stem mount and a waterproof case. I've also got a hardwire kit from the battery to power the sat nav. Works a treat. [/URL][/IMG]
  13. T

    About to be new owner - pointers/tips/things to watch for?

    I've done just over 4000 miles since March and that includes going to Barcelona. The bike has behaved faultlessly to date. The only thing that I would say is not as good as jap bikes is the gearbox but I thinks that's because of the shift assist thing. You have to be a bit more positive with the...
  14. T

    change modes on fly....

    On the 14's the manual says neutral or closed throttle, no brakes
  15. T

    Alpha racing quick action throttle

    Just sent you a PM Andy
  16. T

    How do you inflate your tyres?

    I use a digital tyre gauge from Halfords or similar and use a bicycle track pump to inflate them.
  17. T


    I took mine to Cotswold BMW in Gloucester, had a loan of a GS1200 for the day while they did it. I think it was £150-ish. No problems with them.
  18. T

    Sat nav.

    I bought a 2nd hand one from ebay (Garmin Nuvi 2595) and got a waterproof case, hardwire kit and tope yoke mount from Ultimate Add-ons, works a treat. Doesn't obscure the clocks.
  19. T

    Tyres for my S1000RR

    I've done about 3000 miles now on pilot power 3's, will definitely be buying another set. Cracking road tyre.
  20. T

    So, Just how comfortable is the s1000RR Sport.

    I've just done 2000 miles in about 5 days down to Barcelona through France and then back to Bilbao. It's really comfy, didn't feel too knackered at the end of each day.