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  1. Johnboy

    Hi from Sunny South Africa

    Welcome matey, enjoy the bike & forum
  2. Johnboy

    bored bored no bike

    Hope u get well soon dude, for what it's worth ive broken both collar bones (at least they ended up matching each other ;) ) if you can get em moving as quick as poss. Didnt do this when i broke the first one and that's the one that now gives me jip
  3. Johnboy

    Luggage info

    I've used an oxford tail pack which was fine.... strap under the pillion seat and bungees onto rear footpegs and onto numberplate hanger was fine, didn't move at all. Depends how much you want to carry, if it's quite a bit a ventura rack could be the way to go
  4. Johnboy

    new owner just saying HI

    Welcome mate, it's well worth the wait ;)
  5. Johnboy

    this gift made me vey happy

    Ah can see it now, lucky chap!
  6. Johnboy

    this gift made me vey happy

    Did someone give you a little grey box with a white border mate?
  7. Johnboy

    What pi$$ed me off today...

    Leaving home at 7.45 and 2 miles later seeing the rozzer who nicked me 2 weeks ago >:( then getting up near Driffield about 8.30, coming out of a corner still cranked over to find FROST on the rd!!!! It bloody Septemebr :o
  8. Johnboy


    Welcome mate, yep there are issues but even my last bike, a Blade had a recall. The probs are soon forgotten when you twist that throttle ;)
  9. Johnboy

    Hello from Abersoch, N. Wales

    Welcome mate, what flavour did you go for?
  10. Johnboy

    Hello from Cork & London

    Welcome matey
  11. Johnboy

    What made me smile today...

    Gold Cup races at Scarborough today, great entry list. Guy Martin was superb, Michael Dunlop was great to watch esp on his first outing on an outfit :) :) :)
  12. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    Trouble is i have some of the best roads in the country on my doorstep, M'lud ;)
  13. Johnboy

    BEWARE - Attempted Robbery..

    Im sure all the bikes they tipped on will already be nicked >:(
  14. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    I know mate, 11 yrs in the saddle and not so much as a tug then 2 offences in under 3 months! Fuzz In Humberside on unmarked Busa's wear white lid and black leathers/ all weather gear, no hi-viz
  15. Johnboy

    Test Ride tomorrow

    I think they should be called test buys! Has anyone ridden one and not bought?????
  16. Johnboy

    Friday afternoon bike?

    I got a F800st whilst mine was in for service, hmmmmm not sure what it was trying to be or who would buy one. Sorry for the off topic post!
  17. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    In the cold light of day matey im sure you're right, im just glad to have my licence, hell they've put people inside for it. I'll take it on the chin, do the course and always have it in my mind that a traffic cop couldn't keep up with little old me ;)
  18. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    I know mate, i was out at 7am and was half an hr from home. Saw virtually no traffic on the 50miles to Scarborough! The bottom line is they don't want bikes on the road >:(
  19. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    Im sure you're right but was crapping myself to come out with anything useful. The same copper who nicked me was in the local rag on sat bragging about how many they've nicked...
  20. Johnboy

    Lucky Boy

    U got bigger balls than me Doc ;)