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  1. P

    What paint scheme should I go for ?

    looks like there was an explosion in the paint shop :( 0 out of 10 in my opinion. I still think that the "Full Factory" colours take some beating. Thats with silver wheels , white front fender , BMW Motarrad Italia is very similiar and also looks tidy!
  2. P

    What pi$$ed me off today...

    But did it see you????????? ;) ;) ;) :o :o
  3. P

    Spider Stand Motorcycle Lift #2

    The spacer is required so the bolt can spin and you can tighten up (only required on BM ) Should be clear when you get instructions ;)
  4. P

    Spider Stand Motorcycle Lift #2

    I've got the Bursig (German) stand and it looks like yours is a copy apart from base legs and column on mine are in one piece , don't know what build quality of yours is like but the Bursig is top notch (so it should be at price) Got some instuctions and had to take top bolt from the engine...
  5. P

    Lightech rearsets

    Yea they look really good and first replacement rearsets I've seen that fold up.
  6. P

    Are bmw taking the pi$$

    Re: Are bmw taking the pi$$ Simon I said "Special enough" active suspension will no doubt be offered on standrad S1000rr in 18 months time . I'm sure if you haggle and want the HP4 carbon BM will willingly charge you Panigale Tri Colour money ;) I admire your brand loyalty , if I had issues...
  7. P

    Are bmw taking the pi$$

    Re: Are bmw taking the pi$$ Answer to quiestion is a big fat YES ! Question to you Simon 1)why trade in for a HP4? As others have said I don't think it is special enough or will be built in limited numbers to hold its value any better than what you have got. 2) Are you finding that you have...
  8. P

    Spider Stand Motorcycle Lift

    Thats my bike ;D I purchased the Bursig from a fellow member of the forum for £200 (Russell threw in a S1000rr cover) I thought I'd got a bargain as they are €419 plus delivery so you are looking at approax £350 all in. So spider is nearly 2/3rd cheaper! I was well pleased with my purchase and...
  9. P

    Whoopsie !!

    I enjoy Trackdays but also like to get out on the road with a couple of mates , hate straights with a vengance so ride on B roads looking for twisties . I know BM is wrong bike for this , should get someting like a Superduke but ha hoe ??? Enjoy social side of meeting up heading for far off cafe...
  10. P

    Top speed

    Andy its a bit like Motogp, identical bikes differnt top speeds. Power to weight ratio ? ;) Question : why have you put your gearing back to standard ?
  11. P

    I've been MCTd

    OK Greg sounds good so what was the total bill ? Less than half the price of a new shock could be half the cost of Ohlins = £600 half standard £2.50! :o
  12. P

    First spin

    And if the Old Bill catch you even at this restricted speed say hello to my daughter ??? (She's a Prison Officer ) LOL
  13. P

    Scott Redding v Bradley Smith ?

    And Crutchlow can? I'm all for the Brits but can't see any of our boys breaking the Spanish/Italian strangle hold on the premier class. With Casey out Crutchlow can get on the podium but next year with the best moving up from Moto2 it will be even tougher for him ???
  14. P

    change of tyres

    I'm going to try Diablo BSBs next .Currently on K3s bikes done 3,200 miles and on third rear tyre ! ??? Plus I'm a steady old boy ::)
  15. P

    Donnington Park

    Are you taking part in the Michelin Power Cup ???
  16. P

    She's going back to the dealer !!

    i use the clutch all the time Graham,like I said I only use the quick shifter now and again. OK Lloyd the few false neutrals you got at Snetterton were they going up or down the box? I use the QS most of the time but only at 7,000+ revs below this it isn't as smooth. ???
  17. P

    She's going back to the dealer !!

    Lloyd "using the clutch" you don't mean that you used the lever but just blipped the throttle don't you ? ::) Every one to their own but I haven't pulled in the clutch lever to change up on a bike for more years than I care to remember (apart from starting off and riding through town at low...
  18. P

    Akropavic end can db

    Re: Akropavich end can db I would never let anyone stick a sensor up my end pipe!!! LOL ??? ???
  19. P

    Akropavic end can db

    Re: Akropavich end can db Same trackday as Lloyd and mine came out at 97db with Akrapovic ! Whats all that about?? When they tell you to rev to 5500 you just do a little less. Lloyd did you miss hear and rev to 15,500??? ;)
  20. P


    Another idiots question :o Downloaded but can't get to run comes up with an error message. Even IT dept at work coudn't get it to run. What am I doing wrong ??