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  1. P

    S1k loses to KTM 1290 Superduke on track?

    I've got a 990 Duke and it sure has low down grunt - Wore Rosso 2 back tyre down to the wire in 1,400 miles - so the 1290 is going to be MAD!
  2. P

    Oil Pan sump corroded

    WHAT this can't be acceptable !! What the F*#K are BMW going to do about this? If they had a problem on say their "3 Series" they would sort it out . This has GOT to be a quality issue - FIT FOR PURPOSE? More CRAP from China?
  3. P

    Oil Pan sump corroded

    I must be one of the lucky few that haven't (as yet!!) had anything go wrong with my bike - 2 years old 5,000 miles I fear that I am talking it up. But I can honestly say that if I hadn't got one and was thinking about buying one, after reading all comments about Build Quality , failures of...
  4. P

    Paddock Stands? BMW?

    Bursig are excellent you don't notice the adaptors when fixed on the bike. It lifts both wheels off the ground and as in pictures above Very stable , as suggested look on Youtube you can sit on bike when raised etc. You can spin bike around in tight spaces remove both wheels etc. As for...
  5. P

    Hello from Wiltshire.

    I've the 2011 model and replaced fork cartridges and rear shock with Ohlins. I ride B Roads where ever possible , more bends the better! The bike now holds it line far better and tips in a treat. Money well spent in my humble opinion.
  6. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Glyn - lets face it you have changed so many parts - it is a new bike !!!
  7. P

    2000 miles in the Harz Mountains Germany

    You know why - it's because the bike was back in the Fatherland !! :joyous:
  8. P

    Request from Ride Magazine

    Same here no problems apart from the amount I've spent on Carbon, Ohlins and tyres!:sentimental:
  9. P

    Snetterton, 6th May

    I've got to ask "Why only 3 sessions?" :concern:
  10. P

    Lights on Track Day

    Did Cadwell Monday just gone, as you can see I did it on the old R1 didn't risk the BM . Had a great , I'm only 12 miles from Snetterton but have to admit I prefer Cadwell.
  11. P

    Snapped engine bolt

    Chances are that the bolt came from ther same country as the wheels - CHINA! I for one am not over impressed with the build quality of the bike , and don't even mention the paint thickness!
  12. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Christ Hopper if you weren't having bad luck with the BM you would'nt be having any luck at all! So where is the oil leaking from?
  13. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Sigh of relief. Yes it was on e bay , as soon as I saw it I contacted him (Monday 22nd) saying I would pay opening price , and to my surprise he agreed. It is truly as new , willn fit it tomorrow. :peaceful:
  14. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Hopper If I say "Yes" I hope you are not going to tell me a horror story !
  15. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Thought it was about time I replaced the basic damper with something that would do the job. ( 2011 non adjustable now binned)[/URL][/IMG]
  16. P

    Carbon Fuel Tank.....WORK OF ART.

    See you have decided not to fit and have put it on "e bay" !! Best of luck but I reckonn you are going to end up taking an expensive hit.
  17. P

    Carbon Fuel Tank.....WORK OF ART.

    Does the sticker on the tank say "avoid contact with any petroleum products" ? Seriously it looks well trick !!
  18. P

    What have you done to your bike today

    Got the KTM to keep the BM company. Still can't bring myself to sell the R1 had it from new way back in 1999! The KTM is sure different from the BM but it should be fun on the "B" roads! Just need to adjust to riding a BIg twin it sure is different from the in line fours! [/IMG]
  19. P


    I'm with MCE in July 2012 paid £275 fully comp , just paid another £94 to add KTM SuperDuke.
  20. P

    Cool S1000RR stand

    Yea the stand has been mentioned on this forum before. I have the Bursing purchased from a forum member who has sold his bike. Its a GREAT bit of kit and I keep my bike on it all the time , you can move bike around in garage really easy , and makes cleaning etc very simple. I made up a spacer...