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  1. andybarsblade

    Stealth black 2012

    Looks amazing mate.
  2. andybarsblade

    New S1000rr on the Horizon from BMW ??????

    +1 I rode a lad at works CBR1000RR fitted with a HM QS it was loads better than the stock BMW job.
  3. andybarsblade

    Differences between 2010-2014

    2011's got the heavier crank as well I believe
  4. andybarsblade

    Black Windscreen.

    It was on the bike for about a month
  5. andybarsblade

    Black Windscreen.

    I have a very dark tint standard sized screen if you want it?
  6. andybarsblade

    2011 high speed brake Judder!

    What discs are you using?
  7. andybarsblade

    HP4 Brake Issue

    Sounds mechanical. (my 2 pence)
  8. andybarsblade

    Which Torque Wrench 1/2 or 3/4

    Norbar without question.
  9. andybarsblade

    What have you done to your bike today

    Best thing for feeding and protecting black plastics like infill's/mirrors/indicators with out residue or greas is something like autoglym vinyl and rubber care
  10. andybarsblade

    What have you done to your bike today

    Top man keep it simple would be my advice, be warned! cleaning cars/bikes starts small and soon becomes an obsession
  11. andybarsblade

    Rant - Insurance for New Riders

    I had an R1 before the BMW, BMW cost 3 x the price to insure (£300 for the R1 & £1000 for the BMW) but has ABS/traction control and i absolutely believe they make it safer to ride...... skid an R1/S1000rr down the road they will cost about the same to put right. It's a rip off. And don't get...
  12. andybarsblade

    Rusty chain - Dissapointed dealer response
  13. andybarsblade

    3000 miles in one week anything I should buy?

    Just headlight/sidelight? as the rest are LED?
  14. andybarsblade

    3000 miles in one week anything I should buy?

    Some good tips guys thanks!
  15. andybarsblade

    3000 miles in one week anything I should buy? One of these? Or a gel type?
  16. andybarsblade

    3000 miles in one week anything I should buy?

    Good shout on the screen, I've been thinking about one of these I will buy one of those clip on throttle paddles too
  17. andybarsblade

    3000 miles in one week anything I should buy?

    Getting close to my Italy trip and so far my idea of touring modifications include a pair of Dunlop sportsmart2's a tank bag and a satnav. Is there anything else I should consider fitting/wearing? I'm worried about cramp in my hands and staying awake more than anything else. Do you think a new...
  18. andybarsblade


    Double post
  19. andybarsblade


    Same, its garaged at night but dont have alarms or chains when im out and about. If they want it it's gone.