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  1. Bigroars

    2024 S1000RR Sport

    Good to know, il keep the option open for now.
  2. Bigroars

    Bmw s1000rr exhaust

    Ok, maybe its a job for after the warranty then. Thanks for letting me know.
  3. Bigroars

    2024 headers

    Do they need any ecu mapping once the cat is removed ?
  4. Bigroars

    Bmw s1000rr exhaust

    Do they require a remap when you take the cats off ? Picked up a new 2024 S1k last weekend and want to put some headers on it but dont want to remap it to void the warranty.
  5. Bigroars

    2024 S1000RR Sport

    Yeah, i might try that. I like the look of the Msport Akra so might just keep that and get a set of decat headers.
  6. Bigroars

    2024 S1000RR Sport

    Thanks! Once I've had the 600 mile service, my plan is to change the exhaust and a few other smaller mods. tail tidy, crash protection etc. Looking for a decent set of rear sets at the moment but the market seams to be flooded with Chinese copies.
  7. Bigroars

    Ey up guys.

    Picked up a new 24 model S1k sport on Saturday. Looking forward to getting the break in service done and seeing what its like with the taps fully open!
  8. Bigroars

    2024 S1000RR Sport

    Picked up a brand new S1k on Saturday morning, absolutely love the colour scheme. Trying to put as many miles on it as possible to get the break in service done. Does changing the slip on end can make much difference in noise or is all the sound restriction in the Cat ? Looking for a bit more...