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  1. Schuey

    Bike Software Version

    Thanks Kev, so that seems better, if you were on 021_004_040 in May, then 022_005_041 for September seems like things moving in right direction.
  2. Schuey

    Bike Software Version

    Thanks Gav, it's actually got me a bit worried that they may have put the wrong version on mine :( I've just emailed my dealer to double check and will report back.
  3. Schuey

    Bike Software Version

    Thanks for getting back Gav, the version you have is the version I had before the update, so I'm wondering why I appear to have an even newer version! lol Can anyone else confirm what version you have if you've had a recent update? Thanks.
  4. Schuey

    Bike Software Version

    Bit quiet around here these days...
  5. Schuey

    Gen 4 Neutral issues - Solution

    Good news Gav, glad you finally got it sorted. :)
  6. Schuey

    Bike Software Version

    Morning All, Out of interest, what software version are you running now? There was a thread months ago on a similar topic, but I can't find it, so hope you don't mind me starting a new one. My bike went in for some work couple of weeks ago, and while in there they did a software update, it is...
  7. Schuey

    Fastbike USB

    I agree and on the topic of Chris Harris, I thought he was better before he joined TG, used to enjoy his reviews more then. He seems to have gone down hill since going TG, seems to clown around more and come across as a geek.
  8. Schuey

    Fastbike USB

    I agree Oli, and I only tend to take notice of respected journalists, and Michael Neeves rates this bike very highly too. It won the MCN Superbike Shootout.
  9. Schuey

    Fastbike USB

    Have not read it Gav, nor do I care what they might say. I'll go with 44Teeth Superbike Shootout rating, Kind of the Road and Track! Whoop whoop! :D As my US colleagues say, Happy Fridayyyyy! :D
  10. Schuey

    Gen 4 stubby akrapovic

    What you replacing the stubby with Budgie?
  11. Schuey


    Haha, that's true Soof, with GS's being the SUVs of the bike world!
  12. Schuey


    The OP mentioned trips going away and his worries around that. I'm wondering what type of batteries the new GS's have? Because they do road trips with longs stays quite a lot and wondering if they're having battery issues too...
  13. Schuey

    Front Fork Issue (Gen4 owners)

    That bike looks like a lot of fun actually :)
  14. Schuey


    Hi, Whilst not ideal, it really is the best option. And it's not just your bike I'm sure, so it's not like your bike or battery is faulty, it's just the way they are (again not ideal). So I think in order to avoid regular disappointment, keeping it on a Lithium Battery Optimiser when not in...
  15. Schuey

    new bike's day soon. :)

    Congratulations buddy, great news :)
  16. Schuey


    I think many including myself have advised you weeks ago just to leave it on a battery optimiser like Optimate and your troubles will be gone. The bike will spend more time with you and less with your dealer. It will be ready and good to use whenever you need it and will keep the battery charge...
  17. Schuey

    Gen 4 M-Sport

    I like yours, look subtle and don't make the bike look ugly. Can see them helping in most if not all scenarios.
  18. Schuey

    Bike down! :(

    All the best with the healing up buddy, take it easy and don't try and too much.
  19. Schuey


    Good choice mate, seems a popular choice :)
  20. Schuey


    Which ones did you go for in the end?