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  1. bmwbadboy

    New Triumph Speed Triple 1200 RS,

    It's ugly. Wait for new Pikes Peak, announced at EICMA in November
  2. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    Not to say TomTom and Garmin are 20 years behind technology wise.
  3. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    You would be surprised but Germans and Swiss bikers love to stand in traffic jams together with the cars ! It's bizzaare. But yes, agree on motorbike mode. This will never happen tho, as filtering is illegal in 49 states.
  4. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    Yea, I hate that feature too. On positive side, their live traffic thing works excellent, I found it to be very precise
  5. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    Google maps have all above.
  6. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    Tomtom ? What? I thought it died in 2006. There is nothing better than Google maps in 2021
  7. bmwbadboy

    Don't mount iPhones to Motorbikes says Apple

    Wrap in duct tape, will be fine
  8. bmwbadboy

    Campbeltown Wednesday 8th Sept...

    Sierra Nevada is another level
  9. bmwbadboy

    Wife vs Lover

    oh yea its a drunken mistake
  10. bmwbadboy

    Campbeltown Wednesday 8th Sept...

    maybe you should have flown out lol
  11. bmwbadboy

    Campbeltown Wednesday 8th Sept...

    Looks average, I had this one 2 days at Jerez
  12. bmwbadboy

    Wife vs Lover

    Yep petite youthful lol :)
  13. bmwbadboy

    Wife vs Lover

    Whats funny Bucci is as fun
  14. bmwbadboy

    Wife vs Lover

    After having V4R for 3 trackdays I finally starting to understand it. It basically comes down to do you have to have wild sex with a fkk girl/lover vs. a cold blooded 10 y.o. into relationship wife. Wife knows you and provides better QOS, but lover is more exciting.
  15. bmwbadboy

    Battery and auto blipper

    The blipper, I've only really used OEM on Gen3, didn't really have issues with it. It can be tentative but okay. Make sure it's mounted 90 degrees on both sides. This is the most common mistake to make.
  16. bmwbadboy

    Battery and auto blipper

    I've had my gen4 since December '19, no issues with lithium battery at all. My bike has been in all sort of stillages un-used for up to 1 month, no issues at all, haven't even charged it.
  17. bmwbadboy


    Why working week tho ? So bad
  18. bmwbadboy

    Gen for car bypass

    **** Best systems are BOS or Akra
  19. bmwbadboy

    Insurance Quotation Questions

    Worked for me 3 times
  20. bmwbadboy

    Race shift

    Congrats! You can straight-away, it's just one screw change.