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  1. roadrunner

    Oil leak from cam chain tensioner bolt

    I?m assuming when you say workshop, you?re referring to dealer?
  2. roadrunner

    Oil leak from cam chain tensioner bolt

    Perhaps that may be the best thing to do anyway as the bike will be in warranty. Good thing to get the dealer involved anyway, in case there?s more to it?
  3. roadrunner

    Oil leak from cam chain tensioner bolt

    Yes you will be fine. Just be mindful of what MAY happen if you remove it without being sure! Possibly I?m completely wrong about this but I come from a motor engineering background and have seen how these ?small? jobs can go horribly wrong sometimes. Just read up about it before you commit...
  4. roadrunner

    Oil leak from cam chain tensioner bolt

    Just a word of warning perhaps! I would definitely read up on this before moving this tensioner bolt. The engine may have to be positioned before removal. By that I mean turning the crankshaft to a particular position, perhaps TDC, to make sure that the timing cain is not too tight or too slack...
  5. roadrunner

    2020 Forum meet - 26th July

    Recovered! Oh dear.....please tell us more. Glad you all had a good day.
  6. roadrunner

    Indicator timing

    Me too! Only had mine 5 years and 14000 miles! I can now confirm mine has self cancelling indicators!
  7. roadrunner

    Anyone gone out for a ride?

    Thanks JM, I?ll do my best.
  8. roadrunner

    Anyone gone out for a ride?

    Further to my post regarding my total knee replacement. BMW now taxed and had several short runs out on it, culminating in a run of 150 miles yesterday. Still struggling to get my (braking) foot instep on the peg, so spend most of the time with my heel on it. I do force my leg to get my instep...
  9. roadrunner

    Leaking front fork oil seal!

    Well, following on from my little experiment regarding realignment of the front forks, to see if there would be any improvement in the oil leak from the R/H side fork oil seal. Well, in a word.......YES! I?ve done two or three short runs of 20 or so miles, a couple of runs of 40 or so miles and...
  10. roadrunner

    New member hello

    Small world Paul, I?m in Hull too.
  11. roadrunner

    First time in the rain

    It?ll probably be the tail tidy mate! That?s why the original offerings are so bloody long and ugly. Could be from under the bike but my guess is the former? I do a bit of touring on my Yamaha FZ1. I purposely didn?t fit a tail tidy to this one, as I was bound to be riding in the rain at some...
  12. roadrunner

    Video guides and other stuff

    My claim to fame in this little story is that when I made a visit there to purchase some of their S1000RR stuff, I asked about bar end weights. They didn?t make them at that time but asked if I could weigh my originals and let the know, so they could start manufacturing them. I sent them the...
  13. roadrunner

    Kill Switch

    I just knew you?d respond to that Stuart?
  14. roadrunner

    Leaking front fork oil seal!

    I think I have to expand on the post that JamieMac put up, as try as I may, I can?t find it now. Hope I?ve got the author of it correct! Anyway I?ll briefly go through the procedure. Place the bike on a rear paddock stand. Slacken top yoke nut. Slacken lower yoke pinch bolts. Slacken right side...
  15. roadrunner

    Leaking front fork oil seal!

    I?ve had a little trouble recently with the right hand fork seal leaking (the one without the DDC wiring. It started last year and was quite bad, splashing droplets of oil onto the belly pan. The bike had only done about 10,000 miles and I wondered how it could leak, when all the seal does is go...
  16. roadrunner

    Today?s Blast - Scotland.

    We were booked to go to Moffat in July for our annual pilgrimage to Scotland. Unfortunately the hotel we use has expressed fears that restrictions may not be lifted ?till August due to government faffing! We have cancelled for this year and re re booked for that time next year. Sent from my...
  17. roadrunner

    Today?s Blast - Scotland.

    Looks like you all had a good time and covered a few miles. Can?t wait to get out on my S1000. Taxing it on the 1st June so I?ll see how my leg holds up. Had an issue with a leaking fork seal but I?ll fill you in, probably tomorrow as it?s a little late now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. roadrunner

    Replace or push in

  19. roadrunner

    Anyone gone out for a ride?

    Thanks for the encouragement Schuey[emoji106] I have been out previously on the Yam, but just for a short run around the block. I?ve also tried the BM down the street to check the ABS was working. It seemed at the time, that things were progressing well. It?s just this longer ride disappointed...
  20. roadrunner

    Anyone gone out for a ride?

    Went out on my Yamaha FZ1 and covered 85 miles. Not a massive feat I know but this is after my knee surgery where I had a TKR (total knee replacement) Unfortunately the ride didn?t go according to plan as my knee soon started hurting! After lots of leg dangling I managed to get back home. I?m...