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  1. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    Can't believe the difference turns effortless on supers m7 have to wrestle with , just for s change m7 back on in September
  2. Sissymc7

    Yesterday i became a man

    As long as everyone's ok bin men up north are dangerous
  3. Sissymc7

    Yesterday i became a man

    Knee down on roads is a danger to fellow roads users and dangerous , if somone was to step out in front of u could you really stop tut tut
  4. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    I ended up with super Corsa sp 200/55 it was warm today seemed like a good idea going from 3 year and 37k on m7 Pirelli be nice to see what or if any difference tyre makes to my riding
  5. Sissymc7

    Moffat Thursday 23rd June Meet Up Info

    greats roads enjoy
  6. Sissymc7

    2015 S1000rr - Right Turn Assist Pro!

    This is a big problem for bmw anyone up north who wants a test mine is welcome mine defo don't do it
  7. Sissymc7

    Tyre review Metzeler Michelin Dunlop

    Yip I found that out
  8. Sissymc7

    Tyre review Metzeler Michelin Dunlop

    211 any good on rd ? I had 212 one ended up low sliding mind u it was September on rds
  9. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    Hi Stu , I've been riding m7rr for last 3 years on all my bikes can't fault them but I can't remember another tyre . After few track days the m7 squirms about in the heat prob soft carcas . Im tempted to go for fast rd tyre for the summer month lol narrowed down to the new k3rr or super Corsa ...
  10. Sissymc7

    Tyre review Metzeler Michelin Dunlop

    I've just picked up a set sportsmart 2 .
  11. Sissymc7

    Suspension set up day Glasgow 2nd July

    Keep us posted I imagine for ?35 they would full day just off this forum. . I went to a guy who told me no problem he had done loads when I got there he tried to set ddc up a a generic rd bike . Best thing for me was learning how ddc actually works it's perfect now . Really think bmw dealers...
  12. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    Thsnks Stu il def try them first my 2 nd service is due next week , il get my local bike dealer to fit tyres chain and sprockets then whip it up there for service and book stamp cheers
  13. Sissymc7

    Suspension set up day Glasgow 2nd July

    Is this for ddc models ?
  14. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    I'm trying Dalkeith or jefferies . Jimmy had his bike at Carlisle last week I think they are a brand new to bmw . Honda dealer i think
  15. Sissymc7

    BMW Dealers

    I feel your pain so much so I considering getting my bike serviced from a proper bike shop , and just putting into bmw for updates only I'm aware this could void my warranty . I think generally with bmw they try run bike side the same as cars and as for typical bmw drivers Us riders are...
  16. Sissymc7

    Kevin m s/land's son in hospital

    Some groundbreaking stem cell spinal treatment in Thailand at monent think lads called Andy bell from north east who's been lots info online
  17. Sissymc7

    Private Plates

  18. Sissymc7

    Private Plates

    All my plates are my kids names
  19. Sissymc7

    Kevin m s/land's son in hospital

    Re: Hp4 carbon This is terrible mate I have no words for your pain . Very sad mate
  20. Sissymc7

    Kevin m s/land's son in hospital

    Re: Hp4 carbon Hope your boys ok Kev