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  1. turtle

    Banned from shoutbox

    and yes your right you have been banned AGAIN
  2. turtle

    Banned from shoutbox

    i will not and will never name any member and yes it was NOT doc as far as i am concerned this matter is now CLOSED
  3. turtle

    Banned from shoutbox

    Thank you vinny i shall now lift the ban turtle
  4. turtle

    Banned from shoutbox

    Well vinny firstly it was not a moderator that banned you it was ME administrator and forum owner you have not been banned you have been suspended for 7 days for the following reasons that you should be able to see. I have recieved several complaints regarding your swearing and random...
  5. turtle

    New Bmw

    flipper, terrapin er um or pick a ninja one lol
  6. turtle

    New Bmw

    hi and welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it here as for name change you would have to send me a pm with what name you would like as for TURTLE you have no chance sorry lol ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. turtle

    Custom decals?

    if you can send the size andy ill have a play around for ya should be able to do the red out line on it for ya
  8. turtle

    Custom decals?

    is the 91 one colour andy or has it got some sort of red sploggy look to it ????
  9. turtle

    Hello everyone I am a new member.

    hi arf and welcome to the forum to ensure you enjoy your stay could you please up date or pm me you REAL email address please ;D ;D
  10. turtle

    Dyno Run & Mode Setting

    because ya rear wheel is spinnig a dam site quicker than the front lol
  11. turtle

    The never ending counting with pictures thread!

    er number 2 could be a bit er well er rude lol
  12. turtle

    you see i put so much bad things up to make a point of gettong banned but no one

    he has been so dont worry just makes good reading lol
  13. turtle

    i want to put up pics in here of a decatt pipe i just made for the s thou rr

    did any member of the admin or mod team say you couldnt post pics er nope
  14. turtle

    i want to put up pics in here of a decatt pipe i just made for the s thou rr

    and i told you in december you could join the vendors section but instead of remembering this site it run by normal people who have full time jobs during the day and dont have time to reply to posts until they get home you decide to throw your dummy out of your pram and slag everybody off inc...
  15. turtle

    i want to put up pics in here of a decatt pipe i just made for the s thou rr

    well if you would care to look at this post it will tell you how to post piccys sir
  16. turtle

    Shout box

    i allways use firefox in ie9 as they keep changing there set up data it is hard to keep upto date with it, so i recomend either firefox or chrome if you want to use ie9 you will have to click on the compatabilty tab in the address bar at the top click on the torn bit of paper looking thing to...
  17. turtle


    where did this come from and where is it going vinny
  18. turtle

    Hi Guys/Girls

    hi jamie welcome to the site, you cant be to far from me ;D ;D ;D ;D as for full member you become one when you post in here and say hi lol
  19. turtle

    What made me smile today...

    hanna ya should have asked this is one we did lol