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  1. turtle

    suspension set up!
  2. turtle

    Stupidly undid the left fork clamp

    If you pm me bud I will see if ive got it bud
  3. turtle

    Stupidly undid the left fork clamp

    if you paid with paypal bud ya should be ok
  4. turtle

    Snetterton 300 - June 30th - No Limits

    no but i will :GoldGW:
  5. turtle

    For those of us who are about to die.....

  6. turtle

    Snetterton 28th July

    ill bring you a deck chair lol
  7. turtle

    Snetterton 300 - June 30th - No Limits

    didnt baz disapear for ten mins phil
  8. turtle

    Snetterton 300 - June 30th - No Limits

    nope wasnt phil i know his face cant remember his name lol
  9. turtle

    Snetterton 28th July

    I will come and watch in the car lol (arrive early and take the mrs round the market lol)
  10. turtle

    Problem Fitting R&G Crash Protectors your not the first
  11. turtle

    My first ride on the Mountain.

    get ya self a proper potter bob lol try this
  12. turtle

    rr red

    howdy folks did anyone work out what shade of red the S and RR is please all will be reveled tonight :smiley_simmons:
  13. turtle

    BMW Owners Needed for Market Research

    er you dont understand liam oh well thats probably why your account is still red then.. if market research peeps want to post on the forum it is polite for them to email first and ask, we do not have a problem with them as there are two others that have posted but they ASKED FIRST...
  14. turtle

    BMW Owners Needed for Market Research

    may help if you had contacted admin FIRST like the other company did so i have one thing to say to you GOOD BYE
  15. turtle

    Oh for goodness sake - why ABS?

    another idea mmmm put some grease on the bleed nipple threads to stop air being drawn in through them, also as your sucking through one of the calipers attach another full bottle of fluid with a hose to one of the other nipples either on other caliper or master cylinder nipple will help draw...
  16. turtle

    Oh for goodness sake - why ABS?

    just an idea cant ya start the bike and put it in a mode that turns abs off then bleed it ?? i dunno just an idea
  17. turtle

    rear wheel bhp

    hope this works lol
  18. turtle

    rear wheel bhp

    email it to me and i will upload it for ya [email protected]
  19. turtle

    Post crash advice wanted

    copy all the files that you have unzipped to a dvd the double click on RepROM.exe
  20. turtle

    Post crash advice wanted

    copy to dvd as a ISO image then run from disc