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  1. K

    OE USB charging socket Gen4 part number

    Looks very nice congrats :)
  2. K

    Oli?s Gen 4 RR

    Hi Oli I was trying to send you a dm but can?t seem to do it on my phone lol
  3. K

    Oli?s Gen 4 RR

    Hi Oli Glad your forks are sorted now. Is there any chance you could post a video of your forks now there is no noise I can compare mine to please? Thanks.
  4. K

    Any one had this problem!!

    I have this problem a lot I?m trying to get the sos button coded off by Bmw because if it. It?s more annoying to me than useful.
  5. K

    Front Fork Issue (Gen4 owners)

    My bike has developed this noise too even the dealers demo bike has a bit of noise but no where as bad as mine. Dropping mine off later this week to be looked at. Mine also a match 20 bike.
  6. K

    Bike down! :(

    Sorry to hear this Rich glad your ok though speedy recovery:)
  7. K

    Disconnecting SOS button

    Agree it?s very annoying when you see it come up and even when you cancel it it still leaves a warning light on. I?m still waiting for an answer from my dealer on if I can just leave it disconnected permanently.
  8. K

    Disconnecting SOS button

    Thanks for the reply ...Maybe I should speak with the dealer again then but I was told I have the latest software version in the bike when I was having all the Bluetooth connection issues. The bike seems to spend more time at the dealer than with me lol.
  9. K

    Disconnecting SOS button

    Has anyone disconnected theirs yet for track use? I see in the manual you can disconnect it for track use, mine is pretty much always saying emergency call failure contact dealer. Dealer says it?s loosing signal but my phone has signal when this doesn?t. Looking at it you pretty much sit on it...
  10. K

    Hi mate By any chance are you looking for a hepco and Becker rear luggage plate/rack for a 17/18...

    Hi mate By any chance are you looking for a hepco and Becker rear luggage plate/rack for a 17/18 year bike? I have one I?m getting rid of if you are interested let me know Thanks
  11. K

    Luggage Gen 4 options

    sorry thinking about it I?m prob better keeping it with what it?s realistically worth. Sorry
  12. K

    Luggage Gen 4 options

    I think I paid ?89 for it pm me an offer if you want?
  13. K

    Luggage Gen 4 options

    I have one of these thinking of selling it as it?s too small for me. The fit is perfect and idea is very best. It?s great other than a bit small for what I need.
  14. K

    S1000RR Gen 4 Delivery Thread

    Yeah I?m glad it?s fixed too can get back to riding it now :) Let me know next time you come up this way maybe we could meet for a ride?
  15. K

    S1000RR Gen 4 Delivery Thread

    Congrats Marc don?t know how you have waited as long as you have :) enjoy
  16. K

    Software version

    But I do appreciate the help soofsayer :)
  17. K

    Software version

    That?s pretty much it in a nutshell lol. I haven?t got a Bluetooth headset to try with. I?m just going to turn it off I think it?s going to be easier lol.
  18. K

    Software version

    Maybe I?ll just turn the speed limit thing off then it won?t annoy me lol
  19. K

    Software version

    Everything is turned on the only thing that isn?t is pictures... would that make a difference?
  20. K

    Software version

    Ahh ok maybe there is a setting I haven?t got set correctly then. I?ll try now. But strange how it worked for a while