Recent content by Kennybush


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  1. Kennybush

    Part Wanted Adjustable Clip On's WANTED

    Anybody selling a set of Giles Variobars or the like that will fit a Gen 3? I got a comfort seat last year, and haven't used it, as it made the bars feel too low for comfort.I must be getting old when I'm trying to make a sports bike morne comfortable!
  2. Kennybush

    Dave swaps an engine... (Obsession Engineering Video)

    That's tomorrow morning watching for me sorted! If you like that sort of videos, and don't mind bad language, check out superbike surgery on youtube. I've only recently found his channel, and it's one of the few bike channels that I enjoy watching.
  3. Kennybush

    Oil filter check

    Do all generations use the same oil filter? Or are the older bikes using a different size of filter?
  4. Kennybush

    Any bike related Christmas presents?

    Perfect match for my own one 😁
  5. Kennybush

    Any bike related Christmas presents?

    No bike presents for me, but Santa delivered a 20v husqvarna down the chimney for my 2 year old
  6. Kennybush

    Couldn't stay away.

    Welcome back Malic. I've toyed with changing the RR for a more mileage friendly bike, but I know I'll miss the buzz of a sports bike.
  7. Kennybush

    Sport Touring Tyre

    Yes. Got them on last week. Not been out on them much yet though, but first impressions are very good. It was Michelin power rs that was on the bike, which I never liked from the day I fitted them, possibly why I've not used the bike a lot the last couple of years. I managed about 60 or 70...
  8. Kennybush

    Sport Touring Tyre

    I've got the tyrees, but I haven't had time to take my wheels off yet to fit them. Hopefully when I get home in 10 days time I'll get them on and get some decent weather to scrub them in
  9. Kennybush


    I put xpel on my 2016 when bike was new. It has no yellowing isses at all. Fitted the kit myself, with a mate. We found it time consuming and tricky to fit, but the end result was woth it, and there is still not 1 stone chip on the bike.
  10. Kennybush

    Sport Touring Tyre

    I've decided on a set of road 6. My mate is going to get me a set ordered, for getting home from work. Hopefully they are sporty enough for the occasion fast ride I get these days, and if I manage to get away for a track day, which is unlikely, I'll just have to get suitable tyres at the time.
  11. Kennybush

    bimmer utility

    I'm using motoscan. Works great, and cheaper than gs911
  12. Kennybush

    Sport Touring Tyre

    I think I'll give the road 6 a go. Really don't think I'm doing enough fast riding to need the power 6, or s23 type tire.
  13. Kennybush

    Sport Touring Tyre

    My gen 3 is in need of some new rubber. It's always been sporty tyres I've had on it, k3 and power RS. Loved the K3 tyres, but never particularly liked the RS tyre. Most of what I'm using the bike for is long runs in all weather in the north of Scotland these days, just back from 4 days doing...
  14. Kennybush


    I've always had multiple bikes and cars in the shed, not being used, but always insured. I am now paying that much on insurance, that I think it's time to stop insuring them. In the past, for all they were costing, it was a no brainer to keep them covered, just in case I took a notion of taking...
  15. Kennybush

    Part For Sale Ventura Luggage Gen3

    I've got Ventura rack, and the large bag, for my gen 3. I'd highly recommend it to anybody. Bag is ample size for a week's touring. Takes 10 mins to fit the system before a trip. Works with my evotech tail tidy, no bother at all, no mods to bodywork, or exhaust. You can fit rack over pillion...