Recent content by EthanSK1RR


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  1. EthanSK1RR

    Part For Sale K67 puig carbon effect screen

    K67 puig carbon effect screen. Purchased my k67 m sport the screen came on the bike but wasn’t to my liking so replaced it with a clear one £30 County Durham
  2. EthanSK1RR

    Eurosport channels end 28th Feb

    Yeah I was just saying it for educational purposes 🤣
  3. EthanSK1RR

    Eurosport channels end 28th Feb

    The one I use is basically every sky channel so all the TNT sports is on there which I’m presuming iit will all be on next season?
  4. EthanSK1RR

    Eurosport channels end 28th Feb

    Firestick. £40 a year. Cheapest option 🤣
  5. EthanSK1RR

    2019 m sport

    With a full system will the bike not need a remap with the cat being removed?
  6. EthanSK1RR

    2019 m sport

    A new puig screen as that carbon effect one ain’t the nicest. A new smaller plate and some M1000RR levers. Just deciding what exhaust to go for now. Not wanting to do a full system yet with it having 2 years warranty so thinking just a slip on until it’s up
  7. EthanSK1RR

    2019 m sport

    Just collected my 2019 S1000RR m sport yesterday after selling my Gsxr 750. 1 owner bike 3800 miles. Looking forward for some better weather now to get out on it 😎 few little bits have been ordered ready to go on.