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  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to alex's post in the thread K46 with Like Like.
    Makes me laugh to see pics with watermarks :) You must have a phone to take pics with ;) Is that the Arrow system?
  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to Ajj's post in the thread K46 with Like Like.
    My K46.
  • dugandan
    hmmm. That must be a track specific technique applied when you're the only one on the track? On the road, especially in traffic or in...
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  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to MrSmooth's post in the thread Winter plans? with Like Like.
    Well, I finally finished the 18,000 mile valve check service on Sunday on my 2018 K46 with a significant amount of help from my eldest...
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread Rock and a hard place ?.
    Talk about a flash in the pan
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread KTM going under? '25 RCR ......
    It's weird, they have that reputation... yet many people still swear by them. I was at the Big Suzuki dealer 3 years back that sells...
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread The Dream Bike.
    That's quite a set of bikes Smooth, never owned a Duke myself, always been a Jap man until the rr, always Kawasaki and Suzuki, all my...
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  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to MrSmooth's post in the thread The Dream Bike with Like Like.
    My current bike collection, you can see/hear my 2018 K46 SC Project stubby exhaust on YouTube here. Share this next video with your...
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread The Dream Bike.
    I'll read up about it but I've not had an issue, especially with the rear brake as I never use it. I read that it's activated by the...
  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to Ajj's post in the thread The Dream Bike with Like Like.
    Hi and welcome. May I suggest swapping the oem rearsets to after market items. The reason being is that it gets rid of the spongey gear...
  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to ohdaesu's post in the thread Lanky with Like Like.
    Hi all Ive just entered the world of S1000rr from a Panigale and was surprised how cramped they are, does anyone know what the best...
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread Lanky.
    I do an exercise -isometric- where I stand erect and lift a leg as high as I can for as long as I can and then alternate to the other...
  • dugandan
    dugandan reacted to MrSmooth's post in the thread Clutch lever/cable free play with Like Like.
    If I recall recently @Katie had a very similar problem with the clutch cable free play and then the cable failed very quickly afterwards...
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread The Dream Bike.
    Thanks mate.
  • dugandan
    dugandan replied to the thread The Dream Bike.
    Cool cool, that would have been a good ride, well maintained roads over that side of brisbane town. There was a lot of damage done to...
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