Recent content by Balallan


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  1. Balallan

    Mono bloc driveway

    Hmmm interesting, i was always told not to put a sealant on the mono-blocks just pressure wash to clean them, hopefully someone that has used this can feedback
  2. Balallan

    Insurance Quotation Questions

    In all honesty i cant fault Bemoto, cheapest quote compared to comparisons sites each year for the last 3 years then when i bought the MT10 instead of a multi-bike policy they mimicked my existing policy on the Gen3 and beat any other comparison site again!!!! maybe being an old ****** finally...
  3. Balallan

    Yamaha MT10

    Well she arrived last week, Offt thirsty to run so have to plan the runs by fuel stations [emoji1787]but great fun to drive Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Balallan

    LS2 Helmets

    Anybody got any experience with these helmets?? seen a good deal on a carbon one just unsure of the make /reputation of them
  5. Balallan

    Yamaha MT10

    Offt them rims look ace
  6. Balallan

    Yamaha MT10

    The reason for the 2nd bike is so the Mrs can come for a run out with me, the GS i had when the RR was in for a service would be the ideal bike for it but out of my price range at the moment as want to keep my RR. Thought of the likes of a triumph tiger but the MT10 caught my eye and while bored...
  7. Balallan

    Yamaha MT10

    Probably should have test rode one 1st but deposit is down it gets delivered on the 20th, im keeping my RR for quick days out, the MT is for the more leisurely days out lol
  8. Balallan

    Yamaha MT10

    Anyone had one of these? What they like?? Been looking for a 2nd bike for a while as don?t want to part with the RR and had considered a GS but an 18plate MT10 touring edition has caught my eye Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Balallan

    New Gen4

    No probs mate, im back to sea jail (work) tomorrow so will give you a shout when im back
  10. Balallan

    New Gen4

    You get some miles in on the new steed today?? Im heading up to Oban tomorrow for a run if your no busy at work
  11. Balallan

    New Gen4

    Scott said they have sold 2 of them so far............... That serious dough to spend but suppose if you have it why not!!!!
  12. Balallan

    New Gen4

    I cant fault them they have been sound to deal with since i bought the RR from them, They said there was an M1000RR going out this wknd........... thought it might have been you haha
  13. Balallan

    New Gen4

    Looks mint pal, Did you buy from Parks Glasgow?? was round there on Thursday and they said they has 25 bikes going out to customers over the next few days!!!
  14. Balallan

    Engine oils

    ive stuck with BMW oem oil but bike is only used on the road
  15. Balallan

    BeMoto - Motocycle Insurance - Deals for Forum Members

    Cheaper again this year than all the comparison sites, that's 3yrs running ive been with BeMoto